

Silk Road voirfilms

Silk Road

Silk Road

Jeune, idéaliste et déterminé à réussir, Ross Ulbricht crée en 2011 une plate-forme clandestine de vente en ligne, spécialisée dans la vente de stupéfiants : Silk Road. Alors que les transactions atteignent rapidement plusieurs millions de dollars, Ross Ulbricht croise le chemin de Rick Bowden, un agent de la DEA, peu recommandable et dangereusement imprévisible, qui va utiliser tous les moyens nécessaires pour le faire tomber..

Silk Road

Silk Road

A psychological thriller inspired by the life of Michael S., a small-town boy from Holland, who becomes the world's most wanted cybercriminal..

Joanna Lumley's Silk Road Adventure

Joanna Lumley's Silk Road Adventure

Joanna Lumley's grandest and most challenging journey yet, a breath-taking odyssey from Venice to the Chinese border along the veins of the ancient Silk Road. Joanna's odyssey will see her travel through an array of fabulous landscapes. Starting in the Chinese city of Xian, she will cross continents, deserts, mountains and steppe..

Silk Road

Silk Road

Internationally acclaimed director Curt Faudon's feature film developed a refreshingly modern portrait of the world-renowned boys' choir - the Vienna Boys' Choir..

How The Silk Road Made the World

How The Silk Road Made the World

How the Silk Road Made the World 3 x 60' NHNZ/CCTV (China Central Television) The Silk Road is one of humanity’s greatest enterprises. For thousands of years across the vastness of Eurasia, a trade route linking east and west has deeply influenced history. Silk Road trade has helped to build and break empires, fed revolutions and profoundly affected civilisations. Humanity as we know it, and all we have created, owes much to the legendary Silk Road. This is true of objects as basic yet revolutionary as a piece of paper, to the complex metropolis of New York City. Travel through time to witness the evolution of ancient warfare, experience the horror of the Black Death, see the explosive impacts of innovations and live through radical social change. Embark on a dramatic historical journey throughout Eurasia and delve into the captivating tales of this world-famous trade route. Discover How the Silk Road Made the World..

The Silk Road

The Silk Road

Dr Sam Willis reveals how the Silk Road was the world's first global superhighway where people with new ideas, new cultures and new religions made exchanges that shaped humanity..

Along the New Silk Road

Along the New Silk Road

The ancient Silk Road, the trade center of the world, once ran through Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. Ruben Terlou and Jelle Brandt Corstius explore the area in which the world has renewed interest due to its strategic location and enormous energy reserves..

Silk Road: Drugs, Death and the Dark Web

Silk Road: Drugs, Death and the Dark Web

Documentary looking at the black market website known as the Silk Road, which emerged on the darknet in 2011. This 'Amazon of illegal drugs' was the brainchild of a mysterious, libertarian intellectual operating under the avatar The Dread Pirate Roberts. Promising its users complete anonymity and total freedom from government regulation or scrutiny, Silk Road became a million-dollar digital drugs cartel..

Silk Road Ghosts

Silk Road Ghosts

Silk Road Ghosts takes the viewer off the beaten path as I ply a circuit, following in the footsteps of the ancient conquerors, passing through some of the more remarkable parts of Central Asia's Silk Road. From Almaty in Kazakhstan, I set out towards a daunting rendezvous with the Darvasa Gas Crater in Turkmenistan. Along the way I dot many of the road's pivotal locations, bearing witness to its myriad ghosts which served to glorify the annals of our planet's history..

The Silk Road

The Silk Road

En 1026, les étudiants de l’ouest de la Chine sont envoyés dans les forces du prince héritier Li Yuanhao de Xi Xia, qui veut contrôler la longueur de la route de la soie. Un élève est Zhao Xingde, qui devient le favori de son commandant, Zhu Wangli. En pillant une forteresse, Xingde découvre Tsurpia, princesse des Ouïghours. Il la cache; ils tombent amoureux. Quand il est envoyé pour étudier Xixian, il laisse Tsurpia aux soins de Zhu, mais revient pour la trouver fiancée à Li. Une tragédie s’ensuit, et Zhu et lui concluent un pacte de vengeance lorsque Li arrive à Dun-Huang, le siège de l’apprentissage et de la culture de la région. Contre toute attente, ils trouvent un moyen surprenant de laisser un monument à leur vie et à leur amour..

China's New Silk Road

China's New Silk Road

What China has baptized 'The New Silk Road' allows a pair of trainers to be transported by train from China to France in under two weeks. On the Horn of Africa, the Chinese state has recently set up a military port and constructed an ultra modern railway serving Ethiopia. Since 2013 the 'Middle Kingdom' has invested billions into projects like these to pave the way for Chinese expansionism..

The Silk Road

The Silk Road

The NHK Tokushu and China's CCTV documentary series The Silk Road began on April 7, 1980. The program started with the memorable scene of a camel caravan crossing the desert against the setting sun, with Kitaro's music and a sense of timelessness. It was the start of an epic televisual poem. The first journey described in the series began in Chang'an (now Xi'an), at the eastern end of the ancient route. On 450,000 feet of film, the NHK crew recorded the path westward to the Pamir Heights at the Pakistan border and this material was edited to make 12 monthly broadcasts. In response to viewers' requests that the series be extended to cover the Silk Road all the way to Rome, sequels were made over the next 10 years. Seventeen years after the program was conceived, the project was completed..

Walls on Silk Road

Walls on Silk Road

Renowned mountaineer Stefan Glowacz, together with a team of three trusted companions, embarks on an expedition along the historic Silk Road in the Middle East..

Silk Road

Silk Road

Christine - a picture restorer - is terminally ill. While lying in her sick bed she delves into memories of her life and imagines the reunion with her late husband in the afterworld..

The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble

The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble

Avec humour, tendresse et émotion, The Music of Strangers nous raconte l’histoire de personnes exceptionnelles de talent, d’humilité et de générosité, des musiciens prodigieux venus du monde entier et rassemblés à l’initiative de Yo-Yo Ma. Des plus grandes salles de concert européennes aux camps de réfugiés de Jordanie, des rives du Bosphore aux montagnes chinoises, ces virtuoses unissent leur art et leurs cultures et font la démonstration qu'avec des idées simples et des convictions fortes, on peut changer le monde..