

Sick streaming vf complet gratuit



Au plus fort de la pandémie (COVID-19) et alors que le monde s'arrête en raison de l'aggravation de la crise sanitaire, Parker et sa meilleure amie Miri décident de passer leur temps à s'isoler dans la maison familiale au bord du lac, à des kilomètres du voisin le plus proche. Ce qui commence comme des vacances de quarantaine idéales prend une tournure horrible lorsqu'un intrus inattendu déclenche une lutte effrénée pour la survie..



Deux ans après le début de l'épidémie, les personnes restantes luttent au jour le jour pour leur survie. Les personnes infectées étant plus actives la nuit, trois personnes cherchent refuge dans une maison vide, mais avec des fournitures rares, elles auront de la chance de s'en sortir vivantes..



Acting : Sick
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Sick en streaming gratuit.



Covid-19 quarantine in spring 2020. She’s isolated in her flat in L.A. He’s isolated in his flat in Athens. They’re both killing time on the internet, doing silly things lovers do. Their internment into their flats becomes a psychedelic space spinning round and round and round. A punk romance in the heart of the pandemic lockdown..



A group of teenagers meet in a mental institution, from different social backgrounds have more in common than they think..



Sickness. Chaos. Death. As the Quarantine Zones fill, bodies pile in the streets. Society crumbles to a wasteland. In the house of Sean and Avery, two do-gooders holding onto desperate hope, survivors find comfort in their final days. Yet no sanctuary of brick and plastic can protect the mind, and Sean finds himself forced to make the ultimate choice as the disease seeps into his home and makes monsters of its inhabitants..



The body is a magnificent system. But its harmony can be interrupted, sometimes by subversive agents within. Sick uses stop motion to bring to life a knitted body in a fanciful journey through the pulsating organs and dark recesses of the human body. This film was made as part of the 7th edition of the NFB's Hothouse apprenticeship..



After having a fight with her boyfriend, Julie gets out of the car and starts walking in the middle of nowhere. The first thing she finds after a while is a small cabin with a huge guy sleeping outside on a chair. He wakes up and starts chasing her, until he grabs her and hits her. Hours later, she wakes up inside the cabin, tied to the wall. It doesn't take long for her to realize that she is trapped there by a whole family of SICK people. It is unclear what their intentions are... She manages to call her boyfriend... When he arrives at dawn, he is going to face a weird surprise..

Love Sick

Love Sick

L'amour n'a pas de règles. Pour chacun, Alex et Kiki sont juste amies, mais elles éprouvent une amitié plus profonde. Pour leur famille, Kiki et Sandu sont frère et sœur qui se disputent parfois, mais ils s'aiment davantage. La maladie d'amour est le sujet de leurs histoires..

Sick of Myself

Sick of Myself

Signe vit dans l’ombre de son petit ami Thomas, à qui tout réussit. En manque d’attention, elle décide de faire croire à son entourage qu’elle est atteinte d’une maladie rare. Mais le mensonge fonctionne un peu trop bien, et elle est vite prise à son propre piège..

SICK'S Jo no Shou

SICK'S Jo no Shou

Again we follow a pair of police detectives as they track down offenders with special abilities (SPEC). However, since the events of the previous chapters, MPD Public Security's special division for solving cases involving unknown circumstances (Mishou) no longer exists. Instead, there is now an exclusive special division (Tokumu) as part of the Cabinet Information Research Office that only deals with cases involving SPEC holders led by Nonomura Koutarou's younger brother, Nonomura Koujirou.