

Shinobi voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Shinobi: Heart Under Blade

Shinobi: Heart Under Blade

En 1614, les Shoguns règnent sur le Japon depuis que l'un d'eux a réussi à unifier tous les clans du pays. Seulement, la paix leur semble menacée par l'existence de deux villages isolés, Iga et Koga. En effet, ils sont le terrain d'entrainement des plus mystérieux mais néanmoins meilleurs Shinobis du pays. Malheureusement, ils sont aussi ennemis depuis plusieurs siècles. Malgré tout, l'amour naît parmi la haine des combattants de ces villages. Oboro, du clan Iga, et Gennosuke, du clan Koga, se sont rencontrés, et aimeraient ne plus se séparer. Mais pour cela il leur faut trouver le moyen d'unifier leurs clans. C'est sans compter sur l'espoir du premier Shogun : afin de pacifier la région il organise un combat à mort entre les cinq meilleurs Shinobis des deux clans. Oboro et Gennosuke en sont les chefs. Les deux amoureux devront choisir..

Shinobi no Ittoki

Shinobi no Ittoki

Ittoki Sakuraba était un étudiant ordinaire, jusqu'à ce que sa vie soit bouleversée ! Il découvre qu'il est le 19e héritier du fameux clan ninja Iga. Les Iga doivent essayer de défendre ce qui leur appartient contre les Kôga, un clan rival cherchant à mettre fin à la vie d'Ittoki. Ce dernier n'a d'autre choix que de devenir un shinobi suffisamment fort pour se protéger, mais aussi son village. Désormais étudiant à l'Académie Ninja de Kokuten, un lycée spécialisé dans les techniques shinobi, Ittoki apprend la voie du ninja moderne, équipé de combinaisons et de gadgets high-tech. Avec d’autres étudiants, Ittoki affronte les Kôga dans le but de mettre fin à cette rivalité une fois pour toutes..



In the future, Miko, a Japanese psychic warrior is looking to destroy a corporation that mass produces robots called "Shinobi" in order to avenge the death of her loved one..

Nobunaga No Shinobi

Nobunaga No Shinobi

En 1555, tandis que les royaumes se livrent à des luttes intestines, un homme est porté par un rêve un peu fou : arriver à unifier le Japon par la force. Son nom : Oda Nobunaga. Admirant le but qu’il s’est fixé, une jeune apprentie ninja, Chidori, rêve à son tour d’assister celui qui deviendra le plus célèbre seigneur de guerre du Japon….

Shinobido, La voie du ninja

Shinobido, La voie du ninja

Un village Ninja caché au coeur d'une montagne. Okou, qui vient d'accéder au rang de femme Ninja, reçoit une mission : se rendre incognito dans une ville, dont les habitants ont décidé de détruire le village Ninja. Mais la jeune femme tombe amoureuse d'un guerrier ennemi : les conséquences seront tragiques..

Onmitsu kunoichi retsuden ~ hime rareta on'na shinobi

Onmitsu kunoichi retsuden ~ hime rareta on'na shinobi

Blowing like a wind and a cloud, a blue-eyed female ninja with a painful destiny has arrived! A blue-eyed ninja, Hijiri, is a fierce and cold-blooded assassin. She encounters a thief after the scroll of esoteric immortality from the treasure house of a Christian daimyo, Rokusha, and she gets into a sword fight with him. In the close battle, she is wounded, but is rescued by a Christian named Seitaro, and they begin falling for each other. But her happy days don’t last. Openly critical of Christianity, “a bad foreign religion”, the Dainichi Shinkyo weaves dark intrigues to kill Hijiri and Christians..

Shinobi No Mono 2: Vengeance

Shinobi No Mono 2: Vengeance

Le seigneur de guerre Oda Nobunaga a fait massacrer le clan de shinobi d’Iga. Désireux de ne laisser aucun survivant, il fait traquer tout ninja qui aurait réchappé à l’annihilation, tandis qu’il poursuit son ascension vers la tête du pays. C’est ainsi qu’Ishikawa Goemon, qui avait quitté Iga pour parti vivre avec son épouse Maki et leur fils Gohei, va devoir de nouveau prendre les armes contre le véhément seigneur de guerre..

Shinobi no Mono 3: Resurrection

Shinobi no Mono 3: Resurrection

[Period covered: 1595-1600] Third film in the famous shinobi no mono series. We last saw ninja Ishikawa Goemon (Raizo Ichikawa), as he was about to be boiled alive. But a good ninja is both hard to find, and even harder to kill. With the help of the enigmatic Hattori Hanzo, Goemon lives to skulk another day, and sets his sights on bringing down the warlord who tried to turn him into soup – Toyotomi Hideyoshi. And as always, in the background, the suble hand of Tokugawa Ieyasu is pulling strings as he plots to rule all of Japan!.

Shinobi No Mono 5: Return of Mist Saizo

Shinobi No Mono 5: Return of Mist Saizo

[Period covered: 1616] On May 8th, 1615 the summer campaign of Osaka has reached the climax. This film takes place immediately following 'Ninja 4: Mist Saizo, Last of The Ninja'. Staying one step ahead of the Shogun’s forces, “Mist” Saizo tries to save the Sanada Clan, and avenge the death of his lord by assassinating the first Tokugawa Shogun. Following the first four films in this remarkable series, more previously unknown Ninja skills are shown to the world for the first time. The action heats up as Saizo single-handedly attacks the Shogun’s Palace!.

Shinobi no mono 8: The Three Enemies

Shinobi no mono 8: The Three Enemies

[Period Covered: 1570-1573] Towards the end of the Tenmon Era, Shogun Ashikaga`s powers were weakening by the day and many were there who planned to overthrow him. It was the beginning of the Sengoku (Warring States) period. Three men attack a gunpowder maker in a farmhouse, the first chopping off his arm with his sickle-&-chain weapon, the second blinding him with sword, the third giving the killing blow. His son Kojiro Kosume escapes the attackers as everything he has known up to then explodes into conflagration. He grows up & enters the start of the Tokugawa Era, intent on avenging his father..

Shinobi No Mono 6: The Last Iga Spy

Shinobi No Mono 6: The Last Iga Spy

[Period covered: 1637-1651] This is one of the most complicated plots of any of the Shinobi no Mono films! This film tells the story of Saizo’s son, Kirigakure Saisuke, who after seeing his father die at the Battle Of Shimabara, grows up to be an expert ninja. Before he dies, “Mist” Saizo tells his children Saisuke, and Yuri that they are not really brother and sister. She, in fact, is the daughter of the late lord Sanada Yukimura, and must be saved from the shogun’s forces. In the chess match of spy versus spy, can Saisuke defeat the shogun’s chief strategist, Matsudaira Izunokami at his own game? Showing many exciting ninja tactics, it is not to be missed..

Shinobi no Mono 4: Siege

Shinobi no Mono 4: Siege

[Period covered: 1614-1615] 4th film in the shinobi no mono series Tokugawa Ieyasu is now the ruler of all Japan. But one last loose thread must be tied up before his domination is complete -- the destruction of the Toyotomi clan, now beseiged in Osaka castle. Ieyasu's ninja are the only ones who can penetrate the fortress, but unfortunately for Ieyasu, Kirigakure Saizo (Ichikawa) and the other Toyotomi ninja can just as easily get out. As armies of samurai maneuver for battle, the fate of the nation will be decided by a desperate struggle in the dark!.

Shinobi no mono 7: Mist Saizo Strikes Back

Shinobi no mono 7: Mist Saizo Strikes Back

[Period covered: 1616] Kirigakure Saizo (Mist Saizo) returns for the final time as he sets out to assassinate Tokugawa Ieyasu in order to avenge the death of Lord Sanada Yukimura. But first he must contend with Ieyasu’s own ninja group led by the powerful Fuma Daijuro, who has a score to settle with the men of Iga that dates back 280 years to the war between the Genji and the Heike at the Battle of Dan-no-Ura. Tremendous fighting and great plot twists highlight this exceptional look into the lives of the mysterious ninja of Japan..

Shinobi Girl: The Movie

Shinobi Girl: The Movie

Noriko, a Wall Street business woman, uncovers heinous corporate corruption and barely lives to tell about it. Accused of a murder that she didn't commit, Noriko is on the run and creates an alter-ego, SHINOBI GIRL, a masked vigilante who sets out to right the wrongs on Wall Street and protect and defend the downtrodden and exploited..