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Shelter (Suodji) is an adaptation of an old story from Utsjoki, Sápmi, to the present. It is a legend of what the director´s relative, Ovllá-Ivvár Helander, did during the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918 in Utsjoki. Ovllá-Ivvár decided to fool Death and take his fate into his own hands. Today we are facing similar threats. The protagonist of the film is walking in Ovllá-Ivvár´s footsteps. But at the end, who its really who?.

Beijing Changping Qiliqu Temporary Shelter

Beijing Changping Qiliqu Temporary Shelter

Beijing Changping Qiliqu Temporary Shelter is a shelter that was part of the network of temporary shelters used in China from the early 1950s to accommodate homeless people (the liumang 流氓). Changping Qiliqu shelter was used as a detention center in the 1990s, in particular, to incarcerate recalcitrant Yuanmingyuan artists, including Xu Ruotao. With its cold and soulless images, this video has a latent subversive tone, and a consistent vision of a hostile world..



What is a home? Can a body become a home? This short film tries to answer these questions about the construction of our identities through the intimate portrait of Galician transgender people..

A Shelter

A Shelter

Sainath, age 25, is a film student in Pune, India and his grandmother, Sunila, age 80, lives far afield in the village of Merces in Goa, India. They share a ‘film letter’ with each other. A film mounted with an expression like a warm letter weighted with feelings. A written letter is a compilation of words and sentences and a ‘film letter’ is an assembly of images and sounds. A shelter(Gotho) unfolds the journey around Polem district with voice recordings of the director and his grandmother..



A few shacks built on the hillside on the fringe of society and without men. A place of refuge, of collective and feminist transformation. From this edge, alongside those who build it, the filmmaker questions their place in nature and society, as well as the freedom of their body and the prospect of having a child. Openly alluding to Virginia Woolf’s famous quote (“A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction") and introducing us to a bouquet of incredible, uncompromised female characters, an investigative yet tender camera challenges the boundaries of gendered social roles and immerses in the micro-universe of absolute freedom and self-determination..

Run Hide Fight

Run Hide Fight

Zoe est sur le point d'obtenir son diplôme à un moment très difficile de sa vie après la mort de sa mère. Pour se distraire, elle part à la chasse avec son père Todd, ancien membre des forces spéciales. Un jour, alors que Zoe est à l'école, quatre élèves assiègent le bâtiment et pénètrent dans le bar de l'école avec une camionnette. En utilisant les techniques qu'elle a apprises de son père, Zoe parvient à échapper aux assaillants..

Le Silence des ombres

Le Silence des ombres

La psychiatre Cara Harding est spécialisée dans l'étude des tueurs en série. Son père, lui-même psychiatre de renom, lui soumet le cas étrange de David, patient atteint de schizophrénie. Cara découvre bientôt que les multiples personnalités de David sont toutes les victimes de meurtres sordides. Elle doit alors résoudre ce redoutable cas clinique qui va la mener aux frontières de la folie....

Braquage de maître

Braquage de maître

Le chef d'une organisation secrète réunit une équipe pour voler des œuvres d'art à un oligarque milliardaire néo-nazi qui les a pillées pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale..

We Need to Do Something

We Need to Do Something

Melissa et sa famille se retrouvent pris au piège au coeur d'une tempête. Les jours se transforment en semaines et les secours n'arrivent toujours pas. Bientôt, Melissa se rend compte qu'elle et sa petite amie Amy pourraient être bien responsables des horreurs qu'elles sont en train de vivre....



Dans les années 2020, quelques 50 ans après le premier pas de l'homme sur la lune, le film s'ouvre sur l'arrivée en orbite du vaisseau spatial Arès 298 jours après son départ de la station spatiale Alpha. La mission Arès est un projet spatial international mené par les agences spatiales des gouvernements américain et européen : NASA, LMA, JPL et ESA.André Vishniac commande un équipage international de 7 astronautes et spationautes. Une tentative d'atterrissage a lieu, mais le petit module martien s'écrase après qu'un bref bug informatique a induit en erreur son altimètre radio. Vishniac est tué instantanément lors de l'impact et les 5 autres membres d'équipage sont bloqués (en anglais, stranded) dans leur module, son flanc reposant sur le sol, sans espoir de pouvoir regagner le vaisseau principal Arès (piloté par l'astronaute Lowell) toujours en orbite martienne..

A Concert for Hurricane Relief

A Concert for Hurricane Relief

A Hurricane Katrina relief concert. After Louisiana was destroyed by Katrina, famous stars all came together and put on this concert, which aired on over 20 television stations, including NBC, TV Guide Channel, ABC, CBS, PAX, FOX, Cinemax, TBS, and USA..

BORIS: 見殺し塔からずっと

BORIS: 見殺し塔からずっと

見殺し塔からずっと: Live at Shimokitazawa Shelter is the first DVD release by Japanese band Boris. It was captured on their Black Summer tour on July 12, 2003. The first ten tracks are songs from the show, which are mostly from the Akuma no Uta and Heavy Rocks albums. Tracks 11-14 are music videos made by the band by Foodunited and Fangs Anal Satan. A loose translation of the first bit of the title is, "From The Tower That Turns A Blind Eye To Death". (Wikipedia).

The Light

The Light

A dream-like day in the life of a young woman as she meditates on her upbringing and the unknown possibilities of her future..

Roti Kapada Aur Makaan

Roti Kapada Aur Makaan

After his father's retirement, the onus is on Bharat to look after his Delhi-based family. He has two younger college-going brothers, Deepak and Vijay, and a sister of marriage age, Radha. Bharat is a graduate, but is unable to secure any employment, much to the frustration of his girlfriend, Sheetal. Vijay takes step to secure his own future, by turning to crime, which is strongly opposed by Bharat, and as a result Vijay leaves the house. Mohan is Sheetal's boss, and finds her very attractive. When he proposes marriage, she accepts, and soon both are married. This leaves Bharat devastated, unable to deal with life, and unable to afford the basic needs of Roti (food), Kapada (clothing), and Makaan (shelter), he must now decide to carry on honestly, or otherwise.