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Nous avons gagné ce soir

Nous avons gagné ce soir

Bill Thompson, un boxeur sur le déclin, doit se coucher lors d'un combat. Mais dans un sursaut d'orgueil, il fait volte-face et met son adversaire au tapis. Il doit maintenant faire face aux conséquences..



A film about the life of African American Donald Horner from New Haven, Connecticut, detailing his views on society, his experience, of his time in jail, and his growing relationship with the filmmaker. - Revitalizing History: Recognizing the Struggles, Lives, and Achievements of African American and Women Art Educators.

Set Up

Set Up

Moon, a thriller writer who is about to marry a businessman. To cure her myopia before her wedding day, she undergoes an eye surgery which causes her blindness for three days. Meanwhile she stays in her new house in a remote and quiet area with her sister Yan. There she experiences the real pre-marital anxiety when three robbers break into her house! With her eyesight gradually recovering, Moon tries the best to save herself while she realizes she might be set up after all..

The Set Up

The Set Up

Manipulation, vengeances personnelles et haute société... Un escroc embauche une jeune femme pour l'aider à achever son plan : épouser une riche héritière..

Set 'em Up

Set 'em Up

Five years after he narrated STRIKES AND SPARES, Pete Smith returns to the subject of bowling with two pros: Andy Varipapa, who threw some trick shots in the earlier movie and Ned Day, who demonstrates proper form and technique..

La machination

La machination

Charlie Thorpe, un expert en systèmes de sécurité, se fait prendre lors d'un braquage. Lorsqu'il est libéré de prison, il est engagé par le propriétaire d'une banque pour concevoir un système infaillible lors de la rénovation d'une banque. Mais peu de temps après la fin des travaux, on lui fait du chantage pour qu'il craque la sécurité..

The Set-Up

The Set-Up

Cliff Barton, suspicious of the intentions of the local banker, Seth Tolliver, withdraws his money from the bank, hides it, and is later killed by two hirelings of the banker. Deputy Sheriff Art Stratton, who has trained Barton's horse and is in love with his daughter, Thora, is assigned to guard the ranch for the creditors; and Tolliver, who has designs on the property and wants his son to marry Thora, arranges to have the ranch auctioned..

The Set-Up

The Set-Up

The Set-Up is Kathryn Bigelow's student film at Columbia about the exploration of 'why violence in cinematic form is so seductive'. It featured two men beating each other to a pulp in a dark alley, while two professors analyzed the philosophy of it all on the soundtrack..

The Set Up

The Set Up

Arthur Payne, recently out of prison, meets a stranger, Theo Gaunt, on a train and explains his situation. A few days later another stranger makes a curious proposition. Arthur should participate in a fake robbery and remove some imitation jewellery from the stranger's own safe..

The Set Up 2

The Set Up 2

Chike, une ancienne trafiquante de drogue, est embauchée par le gouvernement américain, laissant derrière elle tout ce qu'elle aime. Plus tard, un groupe d'activistes kidnappe l'enfant de sa meilleure amie, pour la faire chanter afin qu'elle fasse ce qu'elle veut. Chike et Grace doivent se réunir et constituer une nouvelle équipe pour vaincre le groupe d'activistes..

Set Up to Sell

Set Up to Sell

"Set up to Sell – Surfing as a Lifestyle Product” is a documentary film about the increasing commercialization of surfing and sexism in surf culture. It focus on the nexus of surfing, lifestyle and creativity and what it means to be a female surfer. Best of Ericeira Award – International Surf Film Festival 2018. Official Selections 2018: Sopela Surf Film Festival, International Surf Film Festival, Berlin Travel Festival..

The Smart Set-Up

The Smart Set-Up

A womanizing night club singer who has his pick of many beautiful showgirls tries to climb socially and break into society but soon discovers the social and class differences are insurmountable..