

Seoul Station voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Seoul Station

Seoul Station

Suk-gyu cherche désespérément sa fille fugueuse. Mais non loin de là, la panique éclate à "Seoul Station", un endroit très populaire auprès des sans-abri de la capitale coréenne. L'un d'eux, mort au cours de la journée, reprend vie et commence à attaquer un autre malheureux. Une épidémie débute ....

Seoul Station

Seoul Station

August 2011, Seoul station was ‘reborn’ restoring the historical traces it once had. It was named as ‘Cultural Station 284’. To commemorate this very day, an opening exhibition was held, named as ‘COUNTDOWN’. However, among all the fine works of art alongside the exhibition, the best piece of art was not to be found. To be precise, that very piece of art was not available at that time. That work of art needed time to be established. After observing and speculating the abject moments of the restoration process, finally, it was completed..