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Just after the tragic death of her fiance, Karlina (Liyana Jasmay) encounters strange dreams that call upon her return to her mother’s village. Out of curiosity, Karlina and her best friend Isabella decide to head to the village and strange things start to occur almost instantly. Karlina then learns about her family’s history from a recluse yet handsome villager named Armand (Zahiril Adzim). She finds out that her mother ran away from the village to stay away from a ‘haunting presence’ (‘saka warisan’) passed down by her grandmother. The ‘haunting presence’ had attacked Karlina’s father years back when Karlina’s mother refused to accept her legacy. Karlina then struggles to discover the mysteries that lie within her family curse, and whether she will be next to inherit ‘it’..

Senjakala di Manado

Senjakala di Manado

After neglecting his family for almost 20 years, Johny WW Lengkong, a sailor, returns to Manado to meet them -- in hopes that his mother and wife will forgive him..