

Seamstress streaming vf complet gratuit

The Seamstress

The Seamstress

In the 1930s, two sisters separated by destiny face prejudice and sexism: one from the big city's high society, the other from a group of renegades in the back country. Emilia is romantic and marries a rich young man who is full of secrets. Luiza, of a wilder nature, falls in love with an outlaw who provokes mixed feelings in her. In this feminine and intimate epic, the sisters know they only have each other and both will surprisingly leave their marks in the world..

Blood Forest

Blood Forest

Inquiète de la disparition de son père, Allie retourne dans son village natal. Sur place, on lui fait part d'une légende urbaine quant au spectre d'une couturière qui hanterait la forêt dans l'espoir de se venger des atroces sevices qui lui coutèrenet la vie des années auparavant... Pour élucider la disparition de son père, elle doit d'abord percer le mystère de ce massacre en apportant les coupables à cette revenante assoiffée de vengeance..

The Shadow Seamstress

The Shadow Seamstress

A young girl is locked away and forced to sew shadows together for an insane and evil businessman. Director: Nick Gillespie Writer: Nick Gillespie Stars: Marco Melander, Marianne Niemelä, Ane Orue-Etxebarria.

The Seamstress

The Seamstress

In the thirties, two sisters separated by fate face prejudice and sexism, one by the high society in a big city and the other by a group of renegades in the countryside. Despite the distance, they know that they can only count on each other and both of them will assert themselves in their own and surprising way..



Three young girls try to flee from unemployment in the country: they arrive in the capital city of Sofia to look for a job and a different future. The three of them try to survive, fighting....



A documentary film about Martta Koskinen, the last executed woman in Finland during the war in 1943. Martta was a Seamstress who lived in Helsinki during the Second World War. She was one of the post-civil war (in 1918) generation for whom the war had meant a disappointment in the system and failure in unity of the Finnish nation. The legacy of the civil war had left systems of persecution in place for those with socialist ideals. Martta and her fellow revolutionaries were determined to continue the resistance movement although they knew that at worst it could cost their lives. Martta was imprisoned twice before she was shot. She was an idealist, whose seemingly harmless, naive beliefs in peace and justice were the most dangerous traits a person could have at the time..

My Little Seamstress

My Little Seamstress

Aurora is a modest young girl, working as dressmaker for the women her popular district, near the OPorto cathedral. One day, through a hintz-dress design competition, she gets involved with a haut couture atelier..

The Seamstresses

The Seamstresses

Talented people like artists or writers who stayed have one choice only: work as seamstresses. Eriela, Beti and Vesna are seamstresses in the small town of Štip. If they wanted to afford one of their handmade blouses, it would cost them a months salary. While the women are fully employed, their men are less fortunate and find themselves unemployed after the collapse of communism. A situation with a lot of potential conflict for the couples. The men find it hard to be dependent financially on their women, when they used to proudly provide for the family..