

Runaway Daughters sokroflix gratuit

Runaway Daughters

Runaway Daughters

Three teenagers with troubled families are unable to adjust at home and in high-school. Tempted with an easy, carefree life they soon pass from misdemeanors into serious crime - and will suffer for it. Sometimes, repentance comes too late..

Runaway Daughters

Runaway Daughters

Angie, Mary, and Laura are teenage girls who are fed up with their bland and unexciting small town lives. Mary discovers that she's pregnant after having sex with her boyfriend..

Runaway Daughters

Runaway Daughters

Runaway Daughters is a 1994 television film by Joe Dante, a loose remake of an American International Pictures production from 1956, the year in which both the original and the remake are set. Much of the cast of Dante's The Howling is reunited on this film, including Christopher Stone, Dee Wallace, Robert Picardo, Dick Miller, and Belinda Balaski. The title characters are Angie Gordon, Mary Nicholson, and Laura Cahn. Their picaresque adventure begins when Mary has a pregnancy scare after letting Bob Randolph go too far with her. Mr. Russoff, named for Lou Rusoff who wrote the screenplay of the original version, is a widower from the wrong side of the tracks, and Bob seeks to cover his tracks by enlisting in the United States Navy. Angie and Laura accompany Mary in a flight from the suburbs as she decides what to do about her pregnancy. Along the way, they meet bully cops, one played by Courtney Gains from Dante's The 'Burbs, and redneck survivalists with rifles. Two of the latter are played by Dante stalwarts John Astin and Rance Howard. The Gordons are played by the Stones, the Nicholsons by Balaski and Innerspace's Joe Flaherty, and the Cahns played by Picardo and Wendy Schaal, also both late of Innerspace. Dick Miller plays Roy Farrell, a private detective hired to find the girls. Also in small roles are Dante regular Mark McCraken and the producer of the original version, Samuel Z. Arkoff. Roger Corman, along with his wife, Julie Corman, play the parents of the boyfriend of one of the title characters..

Prowl Girls

Prowl Girls

When Sally Mae's boyfriend Tarzan is expelled from high school for peddling marijuana, she rebels against her middle-class background, thinking that he has been treated unfairly. She joins Tarzan in his East Village hippie "crash pad." He organizes a profitable racket, luring suckers from uptown to watch the wild parties that take place in the "pad." He appeals to their sympathy to extract large sums of money for the supposed rehabilitation of the young female participants. The racket is so successful that other operators, including Big Daddy and Butterfly, join in the enterprise. After several months, Sally Mae learns about the racket and goes to live with a businessman she met at one of the parties. Big Daddy, Tarzan and Butterfly seek her out to make sure that she doesn't talk to the police. They abduct her, give her an overdose of heroin and leave her dead in the basement of a Village flop house..