

Rock Paper Scissors voirfilms

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors

Umut is a young man with hyperthymesia, which allows him to remember everything in detail. In order to prove that his father, who is on death row, is innocent, he becomes a lawyer and makes a team to solve different cases using his memory..

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors

By founding the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, the Walker brothers intended to turn a child's game into a good-natured competitive sport, but when RPS fanatics converge on the world championships, they're caught between big business, talk show pundits, Playmate mascots, and a battle of good versus evil that asks the question: Can purity beat commerce?.

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Step into teenager Priya's world and influence her story, by playing the game Rock, Paper, Scissors against single-mum Lina in this interactive virtual reality coming-of-age drama. How will your actions impact this mother-daughter relationship?.

Paper Rock, Scissors

Paper Rock, Scissors

Girl invites boy over but her "idol" won't allow it. Directorial debut from Heather Wixson of Dread Central. She is quoted, "Growing up, I had two loves - horror and professional wrestling - and to be able to bring the two worlds together for this story is definitely a representation of my deep love for both.".

BROKEN : Rock, Paper, Scissors

BROKEN : Rock, Paper, Scissors

When Rock stumbles upon the magical Paper, it's love at first sight. But when the wrath of Scissors threatens the well-being of Paper, Rock must stop at nothing to save what he loves most, no matter the cost. “Broken: Rock, Paper, Scissors” is a student animated short film, produced at Ringling College of Art & Design..

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors

The chance of an innocent child's game will unveil a betrayal that will forever change the lives of two families when their paths cross, endangering what they love the most, in a city that does not give them a truce..

Scissors, Rock, Paper.

Scissors, Rock, Paper.

On the day when the Red Amy's gunfire is near the suburbs of Saigon, Ren parts from her husband, a colonel of Air Force and comes back to Korea. With a lot of difficulties, she makes efforts to find a new life but this family of five, who lost their fatherland, is unstable. At last, Ren dies of disease and the rest 4 sisters and brothers are scattered. This films presents the sorrows of people who lose their fatherland and wander without nationality forever..

Rock, Paper and Scissors

Rock, Paper and Scissors

Jesus and Maria José live together in the grand house that belonged to their recently deceased father. Their playful routine is disrupted when Magdalena, their half sister on their dad’s side, returns from Spain asking for her share of the inheritance. What are they going to do about this interloper into their dangerous folie à deux?.

Roche papier ciseaux

Roche papier ciseaux

Boucane, un jeune autochtone, quitte sa réserve en direction de Montréal. Il accepte l'invitation de Normand de conduire son camion, qui contient une cargaison suspecte, jusqu'à la métropole en échange de quelques billets. Lorenzo, un vieil Italien sans le sou, doit s'occuper de sa femme, atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Épuisé de collecter canettes et fer pour amasser de l'argent, il est recruté par Muffin pour participer à une roulette russe nouveau genre. Quant à Vincent, un ancien médecin travaillant pour la pègre chinoise, il tente de s'affranchir de cette organisation criminelle. Ces trois histoires s'entrecoupent et s'influencent avec, comme trame de fond, un Québec moderne et corrompu..