

Rewind sokroflix gratuit



Mary aime John d'aussi loin qu'elle se souvienne. Mais après des années de mariage, les priorités de John changent, ce qui conduit à une relation tendue avec Mary, qui provoque un tragique accident qui lui coûte la vie. Jusqu'au jour où John reçoit une proposition extraordinaire : remonter le temps et sauver la vie de la femme qu'il aime..

Mission : Retour vers le passé

Mission : Retour vers le passé

Une équipe de militaires et de scientifiques doivent utiliser une nouvelle technologie qui n'a encore jamais été testée pour voyager dans le passé afin de changer des événements qui ont conduit à une attaque terroriste dévastatrice....



Digging through the vast collection of his father's home videos, a young man reconstructs the unthinkable story of his boyhood and exposes vile abuse passed through generations..



REWIND is a children’s movie about online creators Céline dept and Michiel Callebaut. CEMI is launching their 500th video: a special music video in collaboration with Pat Krimson and Loredana De Amicis. But something goes wrong and Céline accidentally travels back in time to the ‘90’s. It’s up to Michiel to track her down and bring her back in time to launch their video..



Un mystérieux phénomène naturel met fin à la soirée de fête d'un groupe de jeunes adultes. Le lendemain matin commence avec bien plus qu'une simple gueule de bois. Ce qui était familier devient étrange. Que se passe-t-il vraiment?.



Karen, a recovering addict, has settled into a successful new life with her husband and young daughter. When Karl, an old boyfriend recently released from prison, turns up unexpectedly, Karen's buried past comes back to haunt her. Karen is forced to go on a road trip and confront a world she thought she'd escaped from if she is to protect her family and her future..



Paul Mansart purge une peine de prison à vie pour avoir participé à l'attentat d'un diplomate au cours duquel trois de ses complices ont été abattus. Dix ans plus tard des meurtres sont commis dans des circonstances etrangement identiques. Les services secrets font alors appel au juge qui avait condamne Mansart et à deux psychologues spécialisés dans l'exploration des mondes virtuels. Pour découvrir ce qui s'est réellement passé, on demande à Mansart de revivre l'attentat qu'il a commis en le forcant à se replonger dans un passé douloureux..



What if you could rewind any moment until it went the way you wanted? One of six 2017 Regal Short Film Showdown finalists..



Rewind is a Canadian television news series, which aired overnights on CP24. The series repeated past newscasts from Citytv Toronto. Citytv and CP24 were owned by CHUM Limited until July 2007, when CP24 and the rest of the CHUM Limited properties were sold to CTVglobemedia, while the Citytv stations were sold to Rogers Media. However, the series continued to air on CP24 for one more year, and was cancelled in September 2008..



A single guy has a video recorder that when re-winded it rewinds his life too. One night He invites to dinner some friends and records the party and keeps rewinding the camera every time something goes wrong with unpredictable results..



A man seeking out how to live his life to it's fullest potential. He and his friend become kleptomaniacs for this one unique and unusual item..



A mother is suppressing her fear of losing her daughter in combat through the usage of futuristic technology..



The film recounts backwards the last moments of three friends who are betting their lives and a million on a game of Russian Roulette..



Rewind is based on a piece of music: an electronic track entitled Rückenwind is provided as the source material, a composition by Shabotinski in which a deep frequency melodic fragment is swirled around by a delicate track of sounds. It clicks, pounds, whooshes, hums, and crackles around the quietly resounding basic theme of the piece. The abstract visual level emphasises the soundtrack, suggesting a digital score, and is vaguely reminiscent of music applications, the user-interface of composition software. At the same time the minimalist images suggest a continual forwards movement, gliding ahead on a parallel voyage through the virtual space: mobile geometry..



Rewind is a cinematic artifact. The cinema invites us to suspend our criteria of credibility and makes us believe that mice speak, a man in a cape flies with just stretching out an arm and that in life it is enough to wish something very much for it to happen. Even if we know that it is not true, seeing it before our eyes gives us an imagination to be able to think about it, desire it or recognize it if one day we see it. Rewind's proposal escapes the physical laws and shows a reverse direction time, a rewind. Because, the way things are in the world, we can't think of another fairly credible way to give a happy ending to a horrifying and real situation, that of the stoned women. We propose to see it in order to imagine it, to imagine it in order to desire it, to desire it in order to do something about it..



A girl receives a gift, an AI robot version of the boyfriend she just broke up with, who comes with a remote control that allows her to correct his every move. Yet there is a secret to this robot..