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An ordinary feels a loss in identifying himself in such a giant metropolis. As he proceeds his short trip into the city's core, we follow his view along and try our best to see through the first-mind images, recognise the exciting details of what he sees, and sense the surrounding environment as they appear on the frame..



During the war, Ana lost members of her family and was raped by a member of the Serb paramilitary forces. Years later, she accidentally sees her tormentor in the middle of Zagreb. She goes to the police, but the man who fits her description was allegedly killed in the war. While nobody believes Ana, the murderous rapist is determined to eliminate her..

Beyond Recognition

Beyond Recognition

Beyond Recognition is the story of cosmetic surgeon, Jeffrey Mills, and his efforts to avoid the attentions of an underworld organisation who want him to change the face of their leader..

The Recognition Construction IV: Recognition Construction in Film

The Recognition Construction IV: Recognition Construction in Film

Originally shot on 16mm film and presented at Maki Gallery, this work primarily focuses on traffic traveling up and down the major traffic artery Omotesandō in Tokyo. Prefaced by the Wittgenstein quotation included below, the image focuses on the vanishing point—aligning it with the top of the frame in wide shots—and movements of vehicles up and down the boulevard. While the film's first half presents a stationary shot, the second half follows individual cars and motorbikes, zooming in to frame them at a consistent size even as they advance toward and recede from the camera..

Zero Recognition

Zero Recognition

Demi is an actress who's grown up in the dim glare of the Hollywood (North) spotlight. When she decides to brave the world of Internet dating, she quickly finds her ego and her sanity unraveling..

Beyond Recognition

Beyond Recognition

After decades struggling to protect her ancestors' burial places, now engulfed by San Francisco's sprawl, a Native woman from a federally unrecognized tribe and her allies occupy a development site to prevent desecration of sacred ground. When this fails to stop the development, they vow to follow a new path: to establish the first women-led urban Indigenous land trust. BEYOND RECOGNITION tells the inspiring story of women creating opportunities to preserve Native culture and homeland in a society bent on erasing them. Through cinema verite, interviews, and stunning footage of the land, the film introduces Corrina Gould, Johnella LaRose, and Indian People Organizing for Change as they embark on an incredible journey to transform the way we see cities. The film invites viewers to examine their own relationship to place, revealing histories that have been buried by shifting landscapes..

Recognition of the CG-4A Glider

Recognition of the CG-4A Glider

This documentary short film was produced by the United States Army Air Forces' First Motion Picture Unit as a training film for American pilots and other personnel during the Second World War. In it, the Air Corps' CG-4A glider is demonstrated in its cargo- and troop-carrying modes. Takeoffs, landings, and flight/towing characteristics are described. The principal function of the film is to familiarize the viewer with the shape of the glider, so that it can be recognized from any angle and not mistaken for enemy aircraft. The glider's long boxy shape, square-cut wings, rounded tail, and detachable wheels are explained with diagrams augmenting the photographic view of the aircraft from various viewpoints..

Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition

To celebrate the BFI's Thriller season, filmmaker Daniel Cockburn explores the power of sound to terrify and unsettle. Using sounds from Hollywood's best-known thriller and horror films, Cockburn makes familiar noises frightening and leaves us wondering... What's that sound? And why won't it stop?.

EVSEEV: Recognition at the Cost of Life

EVSEEV: Recognition at the Cost of Life

From a village teacher and a recognized local historian to an enemy of the Soviet system. Timofey Evsevyev (Evseev) is an ethnographer, folklorist, who was one of the first to try to shed light on the amazing history of the Mari people. The ethnographic collections and handwritten materials collected by him more than a century ago now constitute the "golden fund" of the Mari traditional culture and are significant for the entire Finno-Ugric world. A recognized researcher, "awarded" with capital punishment by the country, the republic, whose legacy he glorified and tried to preserve at the cost of his life..



Noga is a high school teenager who is eager to be accepted into the best unit of the Israeli army. Moran is a religious social worker who has chosen as a home town Sderot, which is under the threat of rockets. In this Israeli-Jewish town also lives Hanadi, a young Arab woman from the northern part of the country, fighting for her identity. Through an attempt to understand the choices of these women, the personal story of the filmmaker is revealed. From north to south, from past to present, the quest for answers creates an intimate portrait of women in a country at war..

The Recognition Construction №XIII, Variation’85

The Recognition Construction №XIII, Variation’85

This U-matic video incorporates a number of frequent images from Wada's oeuvre: a camera advancing down a colonnaded pedestrian walkway beneath an elevated train line, the figure of a woman with her back to the camera retreating down a street toward a vanishing point by walking or running, and various seascapes. These scenes are spliced together in seemingly random order, sometimes inserted into each other or reshot through close-ups of video monitors. At times the footage is so heavily mediated and re-mediated that images blur into shadow and light, disappear into CRT phosphor dots, or shift hues and patterns from oversaturation and noise. A soundtrack by Hideki Yoshida accompanies the entire sequence, featuring echoing electronic patterns and long tones interspersed with ambient sounds of traffic and beachfront waves. This work was first screened at the Worldwide Video Festival in the Kunstmuseum Den Haag, the Netherlands, in 1986..



A talented Buryat artist, working with stone in a unique technique, diligently contributes to his beloved Buryatia. His stones intricately and gracefully encode ethno-cultural motifs, mythology, and the uniqueness of the Buryat people. Will he have the opportunity to implement a significant monumental project, in addition to his small indoor works? This question troubles him, but recognition comes unexpectedly..