


Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches is an American musical comedy drama series that was broadcast on NBC for two seasons from 1987 to 1988. Set in the 1960s, the series tells the story of Nick Foley, a self-made millionaire who adopts five orphan girls. Each episode included music videos of hit songs from the era sung by the cast integrated into the plot..

Le Rêve du chanteur masqué

Le Rêve du chanteur masqué

Charlie vit avec son beau-père, un homme violent qui le maltraite. Doué pour le chant, l'adolescent rêve de vivre un jour de sa passion. Durant un concours national, Charlie attire l'attention de Kadee Worth, une star internationale. La chanteuse voit en lui un énorme talent et lui propose de l'accompagner dans sa tournée. Mais son beau-père n’apprécie l'idée de voir le jeune homme sur scène....

From Riches to Rags

From Riches to Rags

Un rêveur devient millionnaire du jour au lendemain en gagnant à la loterie. Il a juste le temps de commencer à profiter de sa fortune quand une indigestion est faussement diagnostiqué en maladie terminale. Il dépense alors tout son argent, et engage un tueur pour se suicider jusqu'au moment où le médecin s'aperçoit de son erreur….

Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches

Feature-length TV movie (with the title card "Rags and Riches") that served as the pilot to the series that ran from 1987-1988. A wealthy businessman decides to soften his "cutthroat" image by adopting some children. He winds up adopting six girls and isn't prepared for the problems that come with them..

Queen Behind the Rhapsody

Queen Behind the Rhapsody

Vie et mort d'un des plus grands groupes de rock au monde. Entre archives de studio et entretiens rares, ce documentaire retrace la genèse de Queen et de son leader Freddie Mercury. Il se concentre particulièrement sur la création de leur titre phare, "Bohemian Rhapsody", une extravagance musicale mondialement célèbre..



After trying to live the American dream, Alice returns to a Wonderland of crystal-meth. Her new family consists of characters straight from the March Hare's tea party; a dysfunctional crew consisting of an insane pimp, a worn out prostitute, and a lethargic burnout. As their lives spiral further into darkness and the past seeks retribution, all will pay the ultimate price for what was lost down the rabbit hole..



Mary Pickford plays "Rags," a pretty but wild girl who defends her alcoholic father a disgraced bank cashier, no matter how he mistreats her. Enter a handsome engineer whose family had once fired Rag's father for theft. Rags falls in love but realizes that marriage is a hopeless proposition considering her lowly place in society. But when she learns that her father plans to rob the newcomer, Rags betrays him to the sheriff, and he is shot in the ensuing battle..

Schmatta: Rags to Riches to Rags

Schmatta: Rags to Riches to Rags

"Schmatta: Rags to Riches to Rags" brings to life the vibrant, unexpected history of the Garment District, which for many years was the heart and soul of Midtown Manhattan, but is now in danger of disappearing. For thousands of immigrants the garment industry was a path to their American Dream, but today most of those jobs are gone..

Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches

A rich young boy has to prove his worth to the gang he has just joined by during all sorts of hardships, including a kidnap attempt, before they'll accept him. -from