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When a self reliant business woman breaks down on a dark and isolated country road, she discovers that help can come from the strangest of strangers. (IMDb).



When one of his crew goes missing with a bag filled with cartel drugs, Spencer has to track down his friend, closely monitored by both a local drug lord and the cartel who make it clear that both parties expect the drugs returned to them..



Through the limits of language breaking visually and sonically over a burning forest, Puncture seeks to pierce through the affect and potential of its own particular moment in time..



In hopes of escaping the constant stress induced by his mother, young Karim spends most of his time with his best friend Joe. They occasionally do drugs together. One night, after consuming salvia, they decide to go out on a ride. What begins as chill and fun ends up leading to far bigger problems..

Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte

Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte

Chaplin, mauvais garçon de la ville, est venu se mettre au vert à la campagne. Il y rencontre une gaillarde jeune fille aux manières rurales, Tillie. Il la séduit et la persuade de s’enfuir avec lui non sans avoir dérobé les économies paternelles. Retournés en ville, ils rencontrent son ancienne petite amie. Tous les deux arrivent à dépouiller la pauvre niaise, la laissant sans le sou. Un peu plus tard, apprenant qu’elle vient d’hériter, Chaplin épouse la belle….



John vient de rentrer d'une mission en Afghanistan. Un soir, alors qu'il porte secours à une call-girl qui se fait agresser, sa vie bascule : John et sa famille deviennent les cibles principales de Hollis, le chef impitoyable d'une bande de dangereux criminels..

Punctured Sky

Punctured Sky

An unseen narrator reunites with his old friend Joey Bernstein in the dingy back room of a comic and games store located in a dead mall. Bernstein asks if the narrator remembers their favorite childhood computer game, Punctured Sky, and informs him that all trace of the game has vanished from history. The narrator then embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of Punctured Sky. Along the way, he must contend with a series of strange encounters on and offline and confront the precariousness of memory in the digital age..

Puncture Wounds (September 11)

Puncture Wounds (September 11)

On September 11th, 2001, the security bubble, within which so many Americans live, was violently perforated and, at least for a moment, the air, the heart, the eye was pierced by the rageful acts of the discontented, soon supplanted by the vengeful ax of the U.S. response. This video is an imagistic evocation of the climate (emotional and otherwise) of this time..



Using materials that were in the process of being thrown away, Punctured contemplates spaces of loss and acquisition in aging. Screened in competition at Alternative Film/Video Belgrade Festival 2014..



Falling in love can be hard. Martin is not one of the cool kids at school, but he has a secret crush on Anna. When Petter, one of the tough boys in class, tells Martin that Anna will meet him at the local mall, Martin sees himself in a new light..