

Proxy voirfilms

Ergo Proxy

Ergo Proxy

Dans un futur post-apocalyptique, une créature difforme s’éveille d’un long sommeil et s’échappe du laboratoire secret de Romdo, une cité-dôme sombre qui abrite humains et AutoReivs (des robots) dans une harmonie apparemment parfaite. Un « paradis » isolé où les résidents sont invités à consommer et à jeter sans modération et où le crime n’existe pas, grâce au contrôle presque absolu des autorités. Étant la petite fille du régent de Romdo, Re-l Mayer n’en semble pas moins hostile à ce système. En tant qu’inspectrice des Renseignements, elle est chargée d’enquêter sur un mystérieux meurtre, perpétré par un AutoReiv infecté par le virus cogito. Elle est également l’agent de probation de Vincent Law, un jeune immigrant engagé au traitement des AutoReivs infectés. Entraînée dans une spirale d’évènements hors du commun, elle va tout faire pour tenter de découvrir la vérité… .



Après son rendez-vous chez l'obstétricienne, Esther est agressée violemment. La perte de son enfant et une vie de solitude l'amènent à se rendre dans un groupe de soutien où elle y fait la connaissance de Melanie. Mais entre vie rêvée et mensonges assumés, leurs existences vont s'en trouver bouleversées..



Russ lives and works at a motel with his father. When a seemingly sick girl and her mother come through, Russ becomes fascinated and tries to befriend the girl..



In a world where people hire 'Proxys'-humans trained in the fine art of 'standing in' for a lost loved one, a family member that has passed, a husband or wife that left, or an estranged daughter or son-Victoria (Emma Booth) tries to navigate the life of being one of the highest in demand proxies in the city while at the same time struggling with her own demons. But it's a delicate state that is the human condition which leaves her with her own deficiencies-those she cannot seem to fill..



On a Sunday afternoon in July, eight people's lives become connected and forever changed by the choices one man makes. As these characters' lives intertwine within the film we discover one of them is HIV positive and how their individual choices affect more than just those closest to them but, by proxy, so many others..



A young woman struggles with the idea of motherhood when the intended parents of the child she’s carrying decide not to carry out the surrogacy. The deeply personal short film explores the themes of parenting, personal responsibility, and infertility as Devon struggles to find her place in the world — and make the most difficult decision of her life..



Experimental short combining disturbing images of children with interview snippets of author Peter Sotos..



A man travels through space and time to fulfill the gruesome desires of figures residing in an unworldly dimension..



In the midst of Will's withering confidence, his fiancee Audrey starts to slip from his finger tips. When Ephemeral Solutions scientists reveal the creation of "Proxys", clones of oneself that are the definition of "perfection", Will seeks to be cloned so that he can run away from all of his worries and self-doubts..

Hokuriku Proxy War

Hokuriku Proxy War

Kawada est un yakuza dont la tête est mise à prix par le chef d'un clan de la région d'Hokuriku. Ce dernier fait appel aux autres clans pour le liquider, mais c'est sans compter sur Kawada, bien décidé à se venger par tous les moyens..

Le grand saut

Le grand saut

Les membres du conseil d'administration d'un empire industriel décident de nommer un idiot à leur tête afin que les actions chutent et qu'ils puissent les racheter à bas prix. Ce leur sera moins facile qu'il y paraissait..

The Proxy

The Proxy

An evil organisation that creates superpowered reanimated humans known as Proxies want to recover a flash drive contains secret data from Ashens, his neighbour Tom and a unique Proxy..

Reverse proxy

Reverse proxy

David Reis is a young computer technician who, after losing his job, gets involved,alongside his friend Luis Pires, in a risky business. Luis, an independent journalist who is narcissistic and obsessed with fame, wants to use David’s hacking skills to leak classified data that would prove fraud in the voting polls of the 2014 presidential elections..

Cupid's Proxy

Cupid's Proxy

What happens when a 12 year old helps an advice column writer with an editor wanting a fresh new voice while trying to help his down-on-romance mother and music teacher?.

Proxy Kill

Proxy Kill

Having survived a brutal home invasion that left his fiancee dead, Scott, now emotionally unstable and reclusive is encouraged to join a support group in an attempt to get his life back on track. At the group he meets the enigmatic O, a woman who claims to have ties to Scott's attacker. Together the two set on a path of vengeance to track down the monster who did them wrong but as their journey progresses Scott begins to question O's true motives and intentions as she pulls him deeper into a world of murder and lies..