

Point of Origin voirfilms

Point of Origin

Point of Origin

When Derrick, a young Indiana student decides to surprise his friend from Texas (Juan) by dropping by unannounced he finds the tables turned on him when he finds his friend is leaving for Mexico.Derrick decides to accept Juan's invitation to accompany him to Mexico and they are soon off on an adventure into the heart of Mexico. They end up in a tiny village that initially has Derrick regretting he ever agreed to join his friend on his journey. However, after meeting Chago, a little boy who becomes his guide, Derrick begins to see the world of the campesino through different eyes. Things get better when Derrick meets Chago's beautiful cousin, Thelma, a young lady who soon steals his heart away..

Point of Origin - Building a house in Austria

Point of Origin - Building a house in Austria

An international tech entrepreneur with a fondness for architecture asks Rem Koolhaas to build a house on an impossibly small piece of mountainside in Zell am See in Austria. The architect of the celebrated book S,M,L,XL seizes the challenge: how to draw light into a house less than four metres wide that is mostly underground? Photographer and filmmaker Frans Parthesius followed the building process and offers insight into Koolhaas’s way of working and the special relationship with his client..