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After seeing a boy she likes before church, Amber sneaks out to the Sunday school bathroom during the service and is given her first kiss..



When tragedy strikes a small coastal town, those effected must decide to either pick up the pieces and confront their own misgivings or allow the cycle to continue..

Les Piliers de la terre

Les Piliers de la terre

Passion et complots dans l'Angleterre du XIIème siècle. Maud, la fille du monarque Henri 1er, se dispute la succession au trône avec son cousin, Stephen. Une lutte de pouvoir qui cause des tensions et déchire le royaume. L'évêque Waleran Bigot et les Hamleigh en profitent pour tirer avantage de la situation et satisfaire leurs propres ambitions. Au milieu de cette guerre, le Prieur Philip doit surmonter les innombrables obstacles pour assurer la construction de la cathédrale de Kingsbridge. Face à l’ampleur de la tâche, il peut heureusement compter sur le maître-maçon Tom Builder, son beau-fils Jack, et la jeune Aliena. Ensemble, ils vont se serrer les coudes pour réaliser leur rêve….

Les Piliers du ciel

Les Piliers du ciel

Oregon Country, 1868. La paix entre la communauté d'Indiens natifs et les blancs est maintenue grâce à l'action du pasteur Holden. Ce dernier a notamment fait construire une église et de nombreux Indiens ont accepté d'être convertis. Mais l'équilibre entre les deux communautés est bientôt perturbé. La cavalerie, obéissant sous le commandement du Colonel Stedlow, entreprend de construire un pont à travers la réserve indienne....

Les pillards de Mexico

Les pillards de Mexico

Al Corby, un Américain, accepte de transporter de La Havane à Oaxoca, un petit colis que lui remet un antiquaire. Il se trouve entraîné dans des aventures sans nombre, car le colis renferme un manuscrit qui permet de retrouver un fabuleux trésor....

Pillar of Fire

Pillar of Fire

Pillar of Fire focuses on the History of Zionism, beginning in 1896, in the wake of Theodor Herzl's revival of the concept of Jewish nationalism and continues to follow the Jewish People in the 20th century, the early stages of Zionism, followed by the waves of Aliyah prior to the founding of Israel, the Revival of the Hebrew language, the Ottoman Empire's rule in over the Land of Israel, the British Mandate, Anti-Semitism in Europe, the rise of Nazism and The Holocaust, the history of the Yishuv, the Jewish struggle for independence, and ends in 1948, with the Israeli Declaration of Independence..

Pillars of Smoke

Pillars of Smoke

A sudden inexplicable disappearance of 36 members of an ideological community settled in northern Israel, brings Leah Kafka, a fresh police investigator from the city who specializes in cults, to cooperate with the local authorities and investigate what turns out to be a terribly convoluted mystery. All entangled in a situation feared to impact the state's security and secrecy, and the lives of innocent people who got in the middle of intrigues and conspiracies, Leah and the local residents go on a tortuous journey of illusions, secrets, enlightenments and uncertainty, in which no direction, relationship or logic is kept intact. (Meitar Abarbanel)..

Pillars of Society

Pillars of Society

Young Bernick and Johan Tonnesen are close friends, living in Norway. Bernick is engaged to marry Johan's sister, who is an heiress. He is simply marring her for her money, as he is really in love with the wife of an actor. While on a visit to his old love, in which he hopes to break off the affair, the woman's husband unexpectedly enters the room, and Bernick is compelled to escape by the window. Johan, upon learning of his friend's threatened disgrace, assumes Bernick's guilt, and leaves the country for America. Bernick takes advantage of his friend's chivalry by allowing it to be generally believed that Johan also misappropriated funds. In reality, Bernick was guilty of this crime as well as the other..

Pillars of Salt

Pillars of Salt

On the shores of solipsism, Luis interrogates the impulses that led him into an affair with his married supervisor at work, to face the emotional absences driving his actions and the uncertainties of moving on..

The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality

The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality

We all need our spirituality re-energized from time to time. Matthew Kelly has been inspiring Catholics to explore the genius of Catholicism for twenty years. If you are not quite sure where Catholicism fits into your life, have questions about the faith, or just need your spiritual life reinvigorated... this one hour presentation is perfect for you..