

Piece of My Heart voirfilms

Piece of My Heart

Piece of My Heart

In 1970s Amsterdam, two promising young dancers have their friendship put to the test when they are both hired by the same highly demanding and competitive royal ballet company..

Piece of My Heart

Piece of My Heart

Adapted from Renee's 1995 novel Does This Make Sense to You?, the TV movie lays bare the pain caused by forced adoptions inflicted on unwed and teenage mothers in 1950s and 60s Aotearoa.

A Piece of My Heart

A Piece of My Heart

Isabella (35) is a driven business woman in Stockholm’s finance world. When she goes home to the small town she grew up in to celebrate her father’s sixtieth birthday, she feels like a winner, the only one in her old school gang that things have really gone well for. Isabella’s selfconfidence falters when she realizes that Simon, her great love from her teen years, is going to marry Isabella’s childhood friend Molly, and that she isn’t invited to the wedding. Isabella is accustomed to getting what she wants, and it disturbs her to see Simon so happy with someone else. Unfortunately, there are some feelings that never go away..