

Perversion voirfilms



Marisa Salinas gets her first job at one of the top publishing companies of her country. Don Ricardo Arencibia, her boss, is a man who does not appreciate innovation and new proposals from the staff, but enjoys bloody crime stories, and beautiful women. Don Ricardo invites Marisa out for dinner; they start behind friends and, soon, they start a sexual relationship. All goes well - safe for a little mystery that envelops Ricardo's ex-wife. Marisa decides to investigate... and she will uncover much more than she expected: Ricardo had been trying to make Marisa look like his former wife, and there is a plot involving large scale corruption..



Ryan McNamara has been beaten, abused, witnessed slaughter, and been subjected to sexual torture. But that's nothing compared to what Ryan is about to do..

Perversion Story

Perversion Story

George Dumurrier est un dynamique mais peu scrupuleux docteur de San Francisco qui dirige avec son frère Henry une clinique. Bien que marié avec Susan, une asthmatique, George connait une aventure avec une assistante photographe, Jane. Quand Susan décède dans de mystérieuses circonstances, George se voit soupçonné à cause de son infidélité....

A.I. Perversion

A.I. Perversion

Nous sommes dans quelques années dans le futur. Les technologies d'intelligence artificielle telles que Chat-GPT ont évolué. En installant l'un d'entre eux chez lui, Adam ignore toujours que sa nouvelle I.A. est capable du meilleur comme du pire..

Perversions of Science

Perversions of Science

Perversions of Science is a science fiction/horror television series that ran on the cable channel HBO for one season in 1997. It is a spin-off of popular horror series Tales from the Crypt also shown on HBO, and its episodes are based on EC's Weird Science comic book series. The format of Perversions of Science is very similar to Tales From The Crypt, the show was introduced by a sexualized female robot named Chrome and then an individual episode would start. After the episode was complete, Chrome would conclude Perversions of Science. Most episodes focused on a part of science fiction such as alien invasion or space/time travel. The show featured a mix of established talent and young up-and-comers. "Panic", for instance, starred a young Jason Lee and Jamie Kennedy opposite Harvey Korman. As of 2011 the series has not been released on DVD in the US. However in 2001 it was released in Japan by Pioneer Entertainment where it has since gone out of print subsequently becoming sought after by collectors..

Ghislaine Maxwell : Pouvoir, argent et perversion

Ghislaine Maxwell : Pouvoir, argent et perversion

Pendant des années, la riche héritière Ghislaine Maxwell a été la complice du criminel sexuel Jeffrey Epstein. Dans ce documentaire, des survivantes, d'anciens amis et des avocats se penchent sur son histoire et tentent de comprendre comment elle a pu échapper à la justice pendant si longtemps..



En enquêtant sur le meurtre d'une escort girl, un inspecteur de police plonge dans la vie nocturne et tourmentée de Rome. L'enquête finit par devenir une véritable obsession. Luca et sa petite amie se retrouvent pris au piège dans un jeu pervers et dangereux..

Female Perversions

Female Perversions

An ambitious female attorney wallows in excess and meaningless sex with both male and female partners, while dealing with her personal life problems including helping her kleptomaniac sister..

Sex, Love and Other Perversions 2

Sex, Love and Other Perversions 2

The private, the forbidden and the obscene. Eight short stories to be moved, surprised and have fun. Three different views about relationships, love, sex; three directors will take you from comedy to drama and backford, from the story of an old lady with cancer having a love affair to the love between two teenagers who try to make love for the first time or to the burning desire of a cop who is bewitched by cupid..

Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie

Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie

Eugenie is the capricious daughter of a rich diplomat, living in a seaside resort in Spain. She exhibits her young and splendid body in the beach and night-clubs. She feels an incredible adoration for her father who returns his daughter's passion..

Tango of Perversion

Tango of Perversion

A rich man with an impotence problem becomes subject to manipulation by those around him. When he gives the keys to his villa to two women, he witnesses a murder. A series of cunning plots and secrets make things difficult for the police as they hunt for the murderer, but a film that the owner of the villa secretly shot reveals the perpetrator’s identity..

La proie du desir

La proie du desir

Cécilia est une jeune femme mariée à un ambassadeur installé au Portugal. Nymphomane, éprise de liberté sexuelle, elle ne peut rester trop longtemps sans célébrer sa sexualité et un jour, son chauffeur l'offre à ses frères. En rentrant chez elle Cécilia court vers son mari et lui explique que l'amour libre est merveilleux, car on peut "jouir avec un autre homme, mais le retour dans les bras de l'homme qu'on aime est une chose magnifique". Le couple en folie se met donc à déraper dans une spirale de plaisirs débridés avec une seule règle : interdit de tomber amoureux d'une tierce personne....