

Perception voirfilms



Le professeur Daniel Pierce, un neuroscientifique excentrique et paranoïaque qui enseigne à l'université, aide le gouvernement à résoudre des enquêtes complexes. Il fait équipe avec une de ses anciennes élèves, Kate Moretti, responsable de son recrutement au sein du FBI; il pourra également compter sur l'aide de son assistant Lewicki et de son subconscient qui lui parle au travers d'hallucinations....



When Jen Marshall, an LA girl with a reckless personality and a laundry list of burned bridges, returns to New York and unexpected tragedy strikes, it is up to her mistreated friends to decide between helping her through this tough time or abandoning her - like she did them..



A chance encounter becomes a dangerous obsession when a mysterious small-time psychic offers a successful developer a way to reconnect with his dead wife..



A story about immigration from two points of view - a Honduran mother who is pressured to migrate, and an American teen from a white supremacist family who is taught to hate immigrants..



Perception was an early evening quiz programme which was produced by Granada Television and aired on the ITV network for 1 series in 1989, the programme was hosted by Alison Holloway..



Perception explores the breach of experience that divides us all by glancing into the lives of three individuals: Clarissa, a young idealistic photographer who chooses to live as a homeless person on the streets of New York, supporting herself meal by meal by selling her photography from a blanket in Central Park; Ralph, a successful real estate salesman who struggles for balance against the cut-throat nature of his business; and Tobias, a perpetual student who gets fired a lot. Perception journeys through the same season of time from each character's point of view, detailing how presumption and mistaken intention leads to great misunderstanding. A moment, revisited from another point of view, takes new dimension--and the line between protagonist and antagonist blurs..



An experimental animation exploring the disconnect between one’s own perception of self and how one is seen by the rest of the world, specifically facing the journey of transition from female to male..



A new hallucinogenic drug that allows you to relive your memories takes an emotional and psychological toll on Charlie and his sister Josi..



A simple touch isn't so simple when enacted by the wrong hands. If intention makes the difference between desirable and offensive contact, perhaps Devin's perception of Ty's actions is a little skewed, and his judgement is beyond cloudy..



Maia Thomas stars as Crystal: a mother, a lover, a stripper and a cancer patient. Confronting death, she grasps at life and faces herself and the ones she loves without deception..



A life changing event leaves Jackie dealing with a loss of control, while questioning her own sanity in this supernatural thriller..

Oxbow Walls Of Perception

Oxbow Walls Of Perception

Ce film met en scène 7 riders d'exception sur différents spots du globe, avant de les réunir en un lieu unique, les îles Marshall, terrain de jeu magique où tout devient possible, où toutes les disciplines peuvent être pratiquées. En se plaçant du côté des riders, le team Oxbow casse les stéréotypes de l'industrie du surf prouvant qu'il n'y a pas qu'une seule façon de rider une vague. Surf, windsurf, kitesurf, peu importe le rider ou le sport, quand on vit sa passion au maximum, la frontière entre le rêve et la réalité est minime. Matt Meola, Levi Siver, Antoine Delpero, Kai Lenny, Jason Polakow, Duane Desoto et Ian Alldredge marquent ici une nouvelle fois les esprits avec une production hors du commun et un état d'esprit authentique. Ils nous invitent à nous immerger dans leur quotidien pour comprendre et partager leurs perceptions de la glisse, leurs Walls of Perception..

Death Perception

Death Perception

A group of film students are methodically killed off by a mysterious slasher, but as the film plays out through their individual perspectives, we learn more about the darkly comedic truth behind the murders..

Albert Hofmann - Perceptions

Albert Hofmann - Perceptions

Ce documentaire est un portrait du docteur Hofmann, connu principalement comme père du LSD. Travaillant toute sa vie au sein des laboratoires Sandoz à Bâle, Albert Hofmann eut en apparence une vie très modeste et rangée. Pourtant, sa découverte le fascina dès les premiers instants et il se battit toute sa vie, pour la juste utilisation de « son enfant terrible »..

Adventures in Perception

Adventures in Perception

A collision of images combining a visual and auditory adventure while talking about being an artist and the process of making films. Adventures in Perception Is a “print film” using bi-packing and multiple exposures of found images and sounds..

The Perception

The Perception

Richard, an uninspired novelist suffering from paranoid delusions, suspects his young and beautiful wife, Haley, of having an affair. He hires Matt to confirm his suspicions but the plan goes terribly wrong. As the twisting plot unfolds, the line between reality and dream begins to blur; only Nick, Richard’s old friend and agent, is there to hold him back from the brink of insanity..



5 school friends meet at a remote resort, their joy turns to doubt when they are haunted after drinking a strange blue potion known as "Ocean Blue"..

Altered Perceptions

Altered Perceptions

A psychological thriller that probes the neurology of identity and the age old problem of mind and brain. What happens when the human brain becomes toxic? When thinking becomes hallucinatory in intensity. When we appear to have lost the emotional, the concrete, the personal aspects of functioning. When our sense of reality is virtually destroyed..