

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation

Le quotidien des employés du département des parcs et loisirs de la ville de Pawnee, dans l'État de l'Indiana, rythmé par les aventures et les mésaventures de leur directrice adjointe, Leslie Knope, qui a de grandes ambitions professionnelles et politiques... et des résultats pas toujours à la hauteur de ses espérances..

Parks and Recreation: Cast and Creators Live at PALEYFEST 2014

Parks and Recreation: Cast and Creators Live at PALEYFEST 2014

"Parks and Recreation" at PALEYFEST on March 18, 2014. Led by Amy Poehler's embattled but indefatigable Leslie Knope, the assorted misfits toiling in the titular government agency have evolved into some of the most richly realized characters in the history of the sitcom. With its murderer's row of cutting-edge comedy talent on the writing staff, it's also one of TV's funniest offerings..