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Pandemic : Virus fatal

Pandemic : Virus fatal

Un surfeur, qui revenait de l'Australie, meurt au cours d'un vol pour Los Angeles, terrasé par un virus qu'il a attrapé en Australie. L'avion atterrit sur une piste de sécurité et les passagers du vol sont mis en quarantaine, sauf un qui a réussi à échapper des membres du CDC et transmet la maladie à tous ceux qu'il rencontre. Alors que le nombre de morts ne cesse d'augmenter, les scientifiques sont déjà à la recherche d'un remède....



Un virus a infecté la majeure partie de la population. A Los Angeles, vous avez intégré un bataillon de survivants, scientifiques et combattants. Votre mission : stopper l’épidémie, combattre les infectés et secourir les survivants. Après avoir rassemblé des armes et des combinaisons de survie, vous partez caméra au casque affronter le chaos. Vous êtes le dernier espoir de l’Humanité, bonne chance !.



A deadly virus is unleashed on the fictional nation of Mendona. Bioterrorism expert Alex Papoulia (Mike Booth), must face not only the threat of disease and death, but also his sceptical co-workers and the unprepared system in which he operates. A five-part web series about a deadly virus and the people at the frontline of fighting bioterrorism..



A slow-paced, action thriller about a virus that strikes a New Mexico county and the local veterinarian who gets caught in the middle..

After the Pandemic

After the Pandemic

Set in a post-apocalyptic world where a global airborne pandemic has wiped out 90% of the Earth's population and only the young and immune have endured as scavengers. For Ellie and Quinn, the daily challenges to stay alive are compounded when they become hunted by the merciless Stalkers..



In the wake of a global viral outbreak, Breck Anderson and his wife Annie flee Southern California. Using the vastness of the desert to avoid populated areas, they travel northeast for the isolation of the Rockies. Car trouble forces them to stop at what appears to be an abandoned convenience station. They soon find themselves in a situation where there is no turning back. With their relationship and lives in the balance, when the day ends nothing will be the same..



In a world where a pandemic has devastated the human population, a man escapes from the crumbling civilization after his wife dies of the disease. After living alone in the wilderness for years, he finds refuge in a mysterious cult that harbors a dark secret. As he rises through the ranks, the man finds himself questioning everything he knows about morality, loyalty, and love..

Love, Sex & Pandemic

Love, Sex & Pandemic

Nous suivons la vie de trois femmes et d’un jeune homme qui sont libérés sexuellement et traitent la monogamie avec légèreté. Lorsque la pandémie de coronavirus commence, les protagonistes doivent saisir l’occasion de remettre les pendules à l’heure..



Cette série documentaire présente les héros du front anti-grippe et leurs efforts pour arrêter la prochaine épidémie mondiale. Fait hasardeux du calendrier, Netflix ne pouvait hélas pas tomber plus dans l’actualité qu’avec sa nouvelle série documentaire diffusée depuis le 22 janvier 2020 sur son catalogue. Alors que le monde entier est en état d’alerte sous la menace du Coronavirus, Pandémie raconte l’histoire de professionnels de la santé qui font tout pour endiguer les virus et éviter qu’ils ne deviennent pandémiques (A la différence d’une épidémie qui reste locale, la pandémie est, quant à elle, mondiale). Si la sortie du documentaire ne pouvait prévoir le virus chinois, il n’en demeure pas moins que le début de l’hiver est aussi propice à la propagation de la grippe….

Pandemic 2020

Pandemic 2020

As the news of Covid-19 broke, no one knew what to expect. Shot in 21 countries, personal stories from the extraordinary first year of the virus that is changing our world..

War Room: Pandemic

War Room: Pandemic

War Room: Pandemic is the first and most comprehensive program to bring the most up to the minute information on the coronavirus pandemic and the news of the day. Stephen K. Bannon, Raheem Kassam, Jack Maxey, and Vish Burra bring medical experts, politicians, business leaders, and those on the front lines for a comprehensive look at the latest news from all and provide their insider insights..

Race Against Pandemic

Race Against Pandemic

Healthcare systems are overwhelmed, economies are disrupted and governments impose lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus. Where did this novel coronavirus come from? In what way was it manifesting itself in humans? How was it being spread? We uncover the vital questions scientists ask as they grapple to understand this new virus, and its potential threat. We also speak to the scientists and experts leading the fight against this latest pandemic to develop vaccines and treatments in a bid to halt the coronavirus' relentless spread..

Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics

Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics

Shots puts an amusing spin on the little-known history of eugenics. It traces the genocidal, anti-ethnic eugenics movement which resulted in the sterilization and elimination of millions. It exposes how the wealthiest families financed the evolution of eugenics into Nazi Germany, and pushed America into perpetual wars. These families further influenced the government's elimination of financial liability for vaccine manufacturers while simulating run-ups to the 2020 pandemic. By that year the wealthiest had bought and controlled the media, and censored medical experts that criticized government actions. Shots illuminates how the government censored effective therapeutics, financially incentivized hospitals to adopt misleading reporting practices and deadly treatments, doubled global deaths with lockdowns, bankrupted small businesses, and allowed the most unsafe vaccines in a century..

ARTificial (R)evolution (pandemic winds)

ARTificial (R)evolution (pandemic winds)

The artificial medial noise of the / pandemic wind floods the network. / The human wants to dominate everything. / Nature reveals itself. / The nature within the human is reveal / Like a war between our natural and/or / artificial existence. / Is the pandemic wind that shakes us / natural or artificial? / All representation is artificial..

Early Release: From Prison To A Pandemic

Early Release: From Prison To A Pandemic

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of non-violent offenders released early from their sentences are making the transition from prison to quarantine and into a radically changed outside world. In this short documentary, Newsy follows one man's experience throughout his release, quarantine in the basement of his sister’s home and eventual reunion with his entire family. We get an inside perspective on how someone released into a world completely different than the one they left navigates the challenges of re-entering society and the new hurdles that the pandemic poses..

Pandemic Pest

Pandemic Pest

Dong, a young adult, panics because of the initial lockdown news and dives into a mini mart to buy food and needs to prepare for the pandemic. He then meets with his second mother, Yaya B in the store and faces the chaos the pandemic has caused..