

Où voir The World is Big Netflix

The World is Big

The World is Big

Après un accident de voiture, Alex, un jeune Bulgare élevé en Allemagne, devient amnésique. Pour tenter de le guérir, son grand père organise son retour dans son pays d'origine, la Bulgarie. Ce périple initiatique à travers l'Europe permettra à Alex de retrouver sa mémoire et son identité..

Vol au musée : Le plus grand cambriolage de l'histoire de l'art

Vol au musée : Le plus grand cambriolage de l'histoire de l'art

La série relate le plus grand vol d'œuvres d'art au monde. Le 18 mars 1990, 13 œuvres ont été volées au Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum de Boston aux premières heures du jour. Les gardiens ont admis deux hommes se faisant passer pour des policiers. Les voleurs ont ligoté les gardiens et pillé le musée au cours de l'heure suivante. Plus de 30 ans plus tard, le crime n'a toujours pas été élucidé..

It's a Big, Big World

It's a Big, Big World

It's A Big Big World is an American children's television show on PBS Kids, that debuted January 2, 2006. It was originally part of Miss Lori and Hooper's schedule block, but it was replaced in that block on September 3, 2007, though it still airs as part of most stations' PBS Kids lineup. The show revolves around a group of animals living in the rainforest. The main character is Snook the sloth. It is taped at Wainscott Studios at the East Hampton Airport industrial complex in Wainscott, New York..

Un monde plus grand

Un monde plus grand

Partie en Mongolie chez des éleveurs de rennes pour enregistrer des chants traditionnels, Corine pensait pouvoir surmonter la mort de Paul, son grand amour. Mais sa rencontre avec la chamane Oyun bouleverse son voyage, elle lui annonce qu’elle a reçu un don rare et doit être formée aux traditions chamaniques. De retour en France, elle ne peut refuser ce qui s’impose désormais à elle : elle doit repartir pour commencer son initiation… et découvrir un monde plus grand..

Crayon Shin-chan: Fast Asleep! Dreaming World Big Assault!

Crayon Shin-chan: Fast Asleep! Dreaming World Big Assault!

One night, the Nohara family were enjoying a pleasant dream, when suddenly a big fish appeared in their dreams and ate them. The next morning, Hiroshi read in the newspaper that everybody in another town had the same nightmare as him, but it seemed to have ended. But Hiroshi also heard the same dream from Misae, Shinnosuke, Himawari and even Shiro. They were surprised and thought if the same thing is happening in Kasukabe too. In kindergarten, on telling others about his nightmare, Shinnosuke was surprised to know that everybody too had the same dream. Then a mysterious girl named Saki was transferred to Futaba Kindergarten and joined Shinnosuke's class. Everyone in the class, including the rather inactive Bo-chan, were all excited and happy on seeing her. But Saki had a cold attitude and didn't get along well..

Big Big World

Big Big World

Ali and Zuhal take their first step out of the orphanage into this big world committing a crime. It becomes impossible for them to live amongst people now, and the forest they take shelter in becomes a desert island for them. A boy and a girl that were thrown out of the civilized world would live the entire human story from scratch..

Kitty, une sacrée conférence

Kitty, une sacrée conférence

Alors que se tient à Genève une conférence internationale, Kitty Dupont, une jeune manucure ingénue, croise par hasard dans la rue un charmant monsieur d'âge mur, qui l’aide à retrouver la propriétaire d’un chien égaré..

The Big Four World Tour Live In HK

The Big Four World Tour Live In HK

Popular singing quartet the Big Four (Canto-pop stars Andy Hui, Dicky Cheung, Edmond Leung, and William So) went on tour in March 2010 beginning at the Hong Kong Coliseum. It is a dream come true for the four friends, who has long wanted to share the stage as a foursome. All of them are alumni of the influential New Talent Singing Awards, and they pay homage to their origin early in the show..

Tous surveillés : 7 milliards de suspects

Tous surveillés : 7 milliards de suspects

Sous couvert de lutte contre le terrorisme ou la criminalité, les grandes puissances se sont lancées dans une dangereuse course aux technologies de surveillance. Caméras à reconnaissance faciale, détecteurs à émotions, système de notation des citoyens, drones tueurs autonomes… Une obsession sécuritaire qui dans certains pays, est en train de donner naissance à une nouvelle forme de régime : le totalitarisme numérique. Le cauchemar d’Orwell..

The World's Biggest Cage

The World's Biggest Cage

A Bird spies the pain of the world, silenced by the sphere in which it confines itself. Fruit of freedom's essence, but without possession of it, the pair of wings takes comfort in the shadows that dance between the cycle of life. After a tempting debate with his own reflection, the bird conquers the skies, judging himself free at last. But would that freedom be free? Or an even bigger cage?.

Small Big World

Small Big World

Portrait of Andrzej Mleczko - cartoonist and painter. Andrzej Titkow, a documentary filmmaker, is interested in Mleczko's satirical drawings which were extremely popular in the 1970s. With a seemingly reporter-like camera, he films the opening of an exhibition of his works and stages the situations drawn by the artist..