

Où voir The Projects Netflix

Project A-ko 3 : Cinderella Rhapsody

Project A-ko 3 : Cinderella Rhapsody

Au beau milieu d'une récréation, A-Ko rêve de trouver le parfait petit ami. À cause de cela, elle et C-Ko se lancent dans une dispute qui amène C-Ko à s'enfuir et manque se faire frapper par un motard nommé Kei. Alors qu'elle travaillait à mi-temps dans un fast-food pour amasser des fonds pour une tenue de soirée, A-Ko rencontra Kei et tombe immédiatement amoureux de lui. B-Ko tombe également sous le charme. Cependant, A-Ko et B-Ko ne savent pas que C-Ko est la prunelle des yeux de Kei..

Project Dreams - How to Build Mazinger Z's Hangar

Project Dreams - How to Build Mazinger Z's Hangar

Doi of the Maeda Construction Company's Advertising group has little passion for his work. One day the group's leader Asagawa declares, "Let's build the hangar for Mazinger Z!" Having been dragged in by Asagawa, Doi and his co-workers commence putting on appearances of having taken on this request from a fantasy world..

Project A-ko Versus Battle 2 : Blue Side (Uncivil Wars)

Project A-ko Versus Battle 2 : Blue Side (Uncivil Wars)

Spin-off en 2 parties de la quadrilogie Project A-ko. A-ko et B-ko sont partenaires dans la vie et vivent de la chasse à la tortue dans le désert de leur planète sableuse. De retour d'une de leurs missions, A-ko sauve sans le savoir la vie de C-ko qui a atteri, inconsciente, sur les sacs de marchandise d'A-ko. C-ko est l'unique héritière du Président Kotobuki, un richissime industriel. Elle a été enlevée par deux mercenaires, Grash et Liza, recherchés par la Patrouille de L'Espace, qui reçoivent tous deux leurs ordres de Gail, un homme énigmatique. Celui-ci veut de servir de C-ko pour faire revivre une entité, Xena, en invoquant un dieu dragon. Émues par le sort de C-ko, A-ko et B-ko se lancent sur les traces de ses ravisseurs..

Bunker: Project 12

Bunker: Project 12

Un marchand d'armes engage des mercenaires pour kidnapper un scientifique russe qui les conduit à un bunker secret où repose un projet avorté datant de la guerre froide..

Project Cheonan Ship

Project Cheonan Ship

Interpreting an event of ROKS Cheonan corvette, torpedoed and sunken by North Korea, this documentary rebuilds the event with a different insight. No one can tell if the investigation of Cheonan has reached compelling conclusion. But the film tells and reveals how unreasonable Korean society is..

The Desert Project

The Desert Project

Ida and her friend Rebecca return to Ida's house after a harrowing day in the desert where their film-crew friends vanish. Through some quirk in technology it appears they went back in time where Ida's then 20-year-old father kills a crew member during a fight. Ida takes Rebecca to her father's workshop where they look at an old 16mm black-and-white film that captures the fragments of events from that day... a 35 years ago..

The Klezmer Project

The Klezmer Project

A frustrated Jewish wedding cameraman falls in love with a klezmer clarinettist. To spend time with her, he fabricates a documentary project that takes him on a journey in search of the lost klezmer melodies safeguarded by the Romani of Eastern Europe..

Project Z

Project Z

A group of film students take three unemployed actors to an abandoned motel in the Norwegian mountains to make a zombie film. Fiction suddenly becomes reality when an unknown creature begins to terrorize the film set..

Project A-Ko 4 : Kanketsu-hen (Final)

Project A-Ko 4 : Kanketsu-hen (Final)

En Irak, un groupe d'archéologues découvre d'anciennes reliques qui prophétisent l'arrivée d'une race supérieure et la fin de toute civilisation. Pendant ce temps, de retour à Graviton City, alors que la rivalité entre A-Ko et B-Ko sur Kei s'intensifie, M. Daitokuji organise un mariage arrangé entre Mlle Ayumi et Kei. Furieuses des fiançailles, A-Ko et B-Ko font tout ce qu'il faut pour empêcher le mariage de se produire. Mais peu savent qu'une autre flotte extraterrestre est en route vers la Terre..

The Projectionist

The Projectionist

In his first New York City-set documentary in nearly a decade, filmmaker and provocateur Abel Ferrara uses the experience of one longtime cinema owner to chart the vast changes to the city’s theatrical landscape..

The Diary of a Projectionist

The Diary of a Projectionist

This is the story of my grandfather, Tiago Florit, who for 50 years was a film operator at the Teatre Principal de Maó, in Menorca. It is a review of his life, from his birth to his death, in a cinematographic key. A true love story to cinema..

Project X

Project X

In Prague Of Czechoslovakia, there is a triad organization. Arlumit which is in fierce discrepancy between the Conservative party and the Reform party regarding on the new heir of the organization. Karon, Leia and Behr, the merciless killers, are hired by the Conservative party and the Reform party to root each other out. Karon and Leia of the Reform party are ordered to kill the computer expert and Behr of the Conservative part. At the moment, Leia realized that Behr is her first love when they were young. She doesn't have the heart to shoot Behr. Karon is so disappointed and try to get rid of Behr on his own and get into the point of no return....

The Haunted House Project

The Haunted House Project

Over the past 42 years, six people have gone missing, eight people have died "accidently" and eleven cases of murder have occurred in a deserted house. 3 members of an abandoned house exploring club and 3 staff members of a broadcasting company go into the deserted house. All of them disappear..

The Laramie Project

The Laramie Project

The true story of Matthew Shepard's murder is told through the eyes of the citizens of Laramie. His death proved to be a catalyst of change for LGBTQIA+ people in our country, but we still need to continue to work on equity issues for many groups of oppressed and marginalized individuals in our country..