

Où voir Orphée Netflix



Orphée, le poète, se trouve au sommet de sa gloire et de sa fortune, en dépit des ricanements d'une jeune génération de poètes ambitieux. Devant le café littéraire de la ville, il est bousculé par l'un de ses jeunes rivaux, Cégeste, que tente d'entraîner la princesse, la mystérieuse dame à la Rolls noire. Une bagarre éclate : Cégeste est renversé par deux motocyclistes vêtus de noir. La princesse emporte le corps de Cégeste dans sa Rolls et demande à Orphée de l'accompagner pour témoigner. C'est un piège. Orphée assiste à des phénomènes étranges. Il n'est plus le même. Il refuse de répondre à la police comme à Eurydice, sa femme. Peu après, celle-ci est à son tour renversée par les motocyclistes….

Orphée aux Enfers

Orphée aux Enfers

Orphée, responsable de la mort de sa femme Eurydice qu'il déteste, est obligé par l'Opinion publique à retourner la chercher aux enfers. Mais cette dernière y est déjà l'objet d'une rivalité entre Jupiter, maître des dieux, et Pluton, dieu des enfers..

Le Testament d'Orphée

Le Testament d'Orphée

Frappé par une balle, le poète Jean Cocteau se retrouve projeté dans le temps. Tandis qu'il tente désespérément de regagner son époque, il a l'étrange surprise de rencontrer ses propres créations : Cégeste, le poète jeune, la Princesse et Heurtebise. Ces deux derniers s'érigent en juges face à leur créateur, contraignant Cocteau à plaider sa cause, en vain. Le voilà condamné à vivre, pour crime d'innocence. Muni d'un talisman, le poète explore la « zone intermédiaire » où vivent les symboles et les divinités diverses qui hantent son œuvre. Il arrive ensuite au palais de Pallas-Athéna — la déesse de la raison — qui habite dans un univers en ruines….

Orphée aux Enfers

Orphée aux Enfers

Orphée, responsable de la mort de sa femme Eurydice qu'il déteste, est obligé par l'Opinion publique à retourner la chercher aux enfers. Mais cette dernière y est déjà l'objet d'une rivalité entre Jupiter, maître des dieux, et Pluton, dieu des enfers..

Orphée aux Enfers - Salzburger Festspiele 2019

Orphée aux Enfers - Salzburger Festspiele 2019

Offenbach’s mockery of bourgeois ideals, the sublimity of music and the institution of marriage ensures that the moralistic sermonizing of ‘Public Opinion’ falls on deaf ears. The mysterious figure of John Styx tells the story of behind-the-times Orpheus and his hacked-off Eurydice, of gods and goddesses seeking diversion, jaded with humdrum life in Olympus. He tells of the rebellion in the pantheon, which Jupiter adeptly averts by promising an amusement for his entourage. Burning with curiosity to see the beauteous captive and the contest between Jupiter and Pluto for Eurydice’s favour, the illustrious company embarks on an infernal ride to the underworld that culminates in what is surely the most wellknown can-can in the history of music. And what of Eurydice? She ends up putting a spoke in everyone’s wheel….

Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice

Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice

Film recording of Robert Wilson’s stage production of the opera by Gluck. John Eliot Gardiner conducts Berlioz’s 1859 revision of Gluck’s opera “Orphée et Eurydice” at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris. Soloists Magdalena Kožená, Madeline Bender and Patricia Petibon are accompanied by Gardiner’s regular chorus, The Monteverdi Choir, and the 19th-century period instruments of the Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique..

Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice

Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice

Reimagine Christoph Willibald Gluck’s enduringly popular opera based on the famous Greek myth. From Lyric Opera of Chicago in collaboration with the Joffrey Ballet. Starring Dmitry Korchak, Andriana Chuchman and Lauren Snouffer..

Orphée et Eurydice

Orphée et Eurydice

Live from Munich, October 2003. A husband laments the death of his wife. He follows her to the underworld and finds her there. But he is forbidden to look at her. He does it anyway! Has he now lost her forever? Or will the gods' hearts be moved by this loving, "human" glance? In 1762, Gluck put the quietus on the artificiality of baroque opera with this work - from then on the human element took center stage..

Orphée aux Enfers

Orphée aux Enfers

Here is an irreverent take on the tragic story of the lovers Orpheus and Eurydice. With his librettists Hector Crémieux and Ludovic Halévy, Jacques Offenbach creates a wonderful array of characters from the heavens who find themselves caught up in domestic antics. In this enchanting production from the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence from 2009 with a young cast from the European Academy of Music, director Yves Beaunesne transposes the action to the 1940s and spreads it over the four floors of a bourgeois residence. From the kitchen (Orpheus' home) to the attic (the Underworld), via the dining room (Olympus) and the bedroom (Pluto's boudoir), he succeeds in teasing out all the humour and elegance of Offenbach’s satirical masterpiece..

Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice

Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice

Amour, the messenger of the gods, tells Orpheus that he may descend to the underworld and return with Eurydice. His singing has the power to appease the Furies and animate the blessed Shadows. Yet, his voice cannot reassure Eurydice who despairs of the feigned indifference of Orpheus, put to the test by Jupiter. Raphaël Pichon conducts the opera of operas and Aurélien Bory displays the giddiness of the mental and supernatural spaces traveled by Orpheus and beyond. Marianne Crebassa plays a new breeches role with Hélène Guilmette (Hélène in Le Timbre d’argent) and Lea Desandre (the title role in Alcione)..

Orphée et Euridice - Teatro alla Scala

Orphée et Euridice - Teatro alla Scala

Juan Diego Flórez dazzled audiences and critics alike when he played the virtuoso role of Orphée in La Scala’s first ever staging of Gluck’s opera in its French version: “Juan Diego Flórez delivered a lesson in style. His tone is darker and his projection more self-effacing than in the past, but class is permanent. His agility and legato are utterly thrilling. The ovations were never-ending.” (Corriere della sera) The present release is a production by Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London Recorded live at Teatro alla Scala, Milan, March 2018. Gluck’s Orpheo ed Euridice was first performed in 1762. It is the first of Gluck’s “reform” operas, in which he attempted to replace the abstruse plots and overly complex music of opera sera with a “noble simplicity” in both the music and the drama. The present production was staged by Hofesh Shechter and John Fulljames..