

Où voir Love Everlasting Netflix

Love Everlasting

Love Everlasting

Un adolescent solitaire en quête d'une vie meilleure se retrouve coincé au milieu de nulle part et tombe amoureux d'une jeune fille qui a aussi son lot de problèmes..

Du courage et du cœur

Du courage et du cœur

Au début du XXe siècle, un couple de fermiers, Ellen et Clark, sont au bord de la faillite. Alors qu'Ellen tente de récolter plus d'argent en travaillant comme couturière, elle tombe malade et finit par mourir. Clark doit alors subvenir seul aux besoins de leur fille Missy....

L'Amour tout-puissant

L'Amour tout-puissant

La foudroyante histoire d'amour entre une célébrité et une modeste enseignante était sur le point de se terminer en conte de fées, mais l'amour peut être plein de surprises..

The Everlasting Love

The Everlasting Love

Burdened with vengeance for her father's death, Amu disguises herself as a man and infiltrates the Chiyin Manor. However, she is discovered by the young master Chu Jing Chen, who pretends to be unaware of her true identity and openly favors and secretly protects her. But Amu, consumed by hatred, remains unaware of her love for him. As they go through numerous trials and tribulations, they eventually join hands and realize that their true enemy has been lurking in the shadows all along... (Source: Tencent video mini drama YouTube channel).



Two et Wish vivent ensemble après avoir obtenu leur diplôme. Wish cherche un emploi et s'occupe tant bien que mal des tâches ménagères en attendant de trouver sa place. Two est employé par Art dans une agence de communication et rencontre beaucoup de gens, comme une instagrammeuse qui vient perturber leur relation..

Amor Eterno

Amor Eterno

Sulfureux comme l'amour entre un prof et son élève. Carlos, un professeur de langue, aime trainer dans les lieux de drague, une fois ses heures de cours passées. Un soir, en s'enfonçant dans les fourrés de la zone de drague, Carlos tombe par hasard sur un de ses étudiants Toni, un garçon très différent de ses autres élèves, pour lequel il ressent une attirance. Les deux hommes entament alors une liaison amoureuse brûlante qui va vite prendre un tournant sombre et sulfureux..

Love Everlasting

Love Everlasting

Grand Duchy of Wallenstein. Elsa Holbein is the young beautiful daughter of General Julius, the Chief of the General Staff. After a spy named Moise Sthar steals military documents, Julius is accused of betrayal. He kills himself while Elsa is forced to leave. Homeless, she begins wandering the streets until, on the Riviera, she starts her performing career under the pseudonym of Diana Cadouleur and becomes a successful actress and singer. One day, in a small church, she meets an elegant young man and she falls in love with him. But during a tour on the Lucarno Lake she runs into Sthar who, rejected by Elena, spreads rumors about Prince Massimiliano’s behavior..



Un couple séparé se rencontre lors d'un voyage en train où ils réfléchissent de manière indépendante à ce qui n'a pas fonctionné dans leur relation et s'ils seront vraiment capables d'avancer et de commencer un nouveau chapitre, ensemble ou seuls..

Eternal Love

Eternal Love

Chan Sai-wah abides by his late father's word and marries the wealthy Yam Suk-kuen. They have a son, Kwok-leung. Though Wah is manager of the hotel owned by his father-in-law, Kuen is not a good wife. For all the years of their marriage, Wah has never been happy. Attracted to the humble and honest Carrie Mui, Wah decides to leave his domineering wife Kuen, but is stopped by his father-in-law. The lovers set off to Macau for a new start. Their life has become increasingly miserable under the pressure from Yam's family. When Wah leaves to seek help from his son in Hong Kong, Carrie decides she should leave so that Wah can go without feeling any guilt or burden. On the other hand, Wah is too ashamed to face his son, and returns to Macau. He lives his life in misery. Years pass, the lovers meet again. Wah is reduced to begging in the streets while Carrie becomes an opera diva..

Goodbye My Hero

Goodbye My Hero

Lindy Ng (Joan Chen) and her younger brother and sister eke out an impoverished life together, living in a rundown apartment. When Lindy is diagnosed with terminal leukemia, her first thoughts are her siblings. Who will take care of them after she passes away? With her apartment too dangerous to continue living in, Lindy is forced to move to another location where she encounters the worst of flatmates, hot-tempered petty criminal Morrie (Frankie Chan)..

Desperate Love

Desperate Love

Koji Nanjo, a young rock star, falls in love with soccer player Takuto Izumi. Koji eventually learns that Izumi's mother killed his father out of severe and intense love. Izumi took all the guilt for his father's murder and refuses to go pro because of fear that his past will be discovered by the media. Izumi detests Koji's company and encouragement and severely dislikes the attention from the press, but Koji cannot stay away for he soon realizes that his love for Izumi is very similar to the love that Izumi's mother felt for his father..