

Où voir Kamen Rider Saber × Ghost Netflix

Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider

Le monde est tourmenté par Shocker, une mystérieuse organisation terroriste, qui recrute ses agents en kidnappant des personnes qu'ils transforment en mutants cyborgs. Takeshi Hongo, l'une des victimes, se rebelle juste avant la phase finale de sa transformation. A l'aide de ses nouveaux pouvoirs, il décide de combattre Shocker....

Kamen Rider Saber × Ghost

Kamen Rider Saber × Ghost

Touma and Mei find a girl who is looking for her brother. When they try to talk to her, she is attacked by Desast and runs away. Why is Desast after her? Meanwhile, as he’s looking for Kanon, Takeru Tenkuji finds survivors of Danton’s experiments and vows he won’t let them be sad like Chloe was. When he goes off to look for more survivors, he runs into Touma and Mei….