

Où voir Cars 2 Netflix

Cars 2

Cars 2

La célèbre voiture de course Flash McQueen et l'incomparable dépanneuse Martin quittent Radiator Springs pour courir le tout premier Grand Prix mondial qui sacrera la voiture la plus rapide du monde. Mais la route est pleine d'imprévus, de déviations et de surprises, surtout lorsque Martin se retrouve entraîné dans une affaire d'espionnage international !.

Carrie 2 : La haine

Carrie 2 : La haine

Parce qu'elle est différente, secrète et renfermée, Rachel Lang subit les moqueries de ses camarades de lycée. Privée de l'affection de sa mère, internée depuis de longues années pour schizophrénie, Rachel n'a pas trouvé de réconfort auprès de sa famille adoptive. En outre, la jeune fille est troublée par d'étranges facultés de télékinésie dont elle ignore l'origine. Quand Lisa, sa meilleure amie, se suicide, abusée par un joueur de l'équipe de football, l'univers fragile de Rachel bascule. Piégée et humiliée, Rachel laisse alors exploser le pouvoir dévastateur de sa colère..

The Little Cars 2

The Little Cars 2

The Little Cars pals are back for more racetrack action in this collection of three animated adventures for kids. Combo tries to save his delivery company by proving he's the fastest truck on the road in the Rodopolis Race; Chris hopes that a makeover will help her join the in-crowd; and a newspaper article claims Cruise has been cheating … and that the accusation has come from Combo. Can Cruise repair his reputation and fix their friendship?.

Little Women Big Cars 2

Little Women Big Cars 2

The women of Cherry Branch Elementary are back and contemplating the idea of beauty. Barbara and AJ's exes, Richard and Doro spark a short lived romance that makes the other couples question many of their life choices from letting their daughters participate in beauty pageants to the idea of breast implants..

20 Cars That Changed The World

20 Cars That Changed The World

A good over-view of cars that changed the world one way or another.! From the million selling 'people' cars ..such as the VW Beetle, Mini, Morris Minor ..and even Trabant.! the super-cars ...AC Cobra, E-type Jag, Dino 246 GT ..and Porsche 911. Presented by Tiff Needell ..with his great knowledge of cars..

Car's Life 2

Car's Life 2

Sparky is a spunky little sports car who can't wait to grow up, but first he needs to learn the rules of the road. Sparky snubs car washes, curfews, and speed limits, driving his poor dad to distraction..

All Cars Go To Heaven - Volume 2: Better Than A Horse

All Cars Go To Heaven - Volume 2: Better Than A Horse

Up until Henry Ford created the Model T, the only choice for personal transportation was a horse. Then Mr. Ford created his machine that would change the world. But, compared to other cars of the time, the T was a piece of junk. The T was a type writer to the Bentley laptops of the time. Crude, bare, uncomfortable. But, it was cheap, and better than a horse. A cheap car is better than no car, and to prove this point, we take 2 cheap cars and one Ford Model T across 819 miles of dusty, rocky, steep, ruthless Utah desert. No amount of rocks, scrapes, crashes, leaked fluids or lost wires will stand in our way. We think..

2 in 1 car

2 in 1 car

A couple in a car, starting with a cigarette, begins a discussion as ridiculous as interesting. The lack of communication and lack of harmony, attributes that are exploited in love (or lack thereof)..

Martin Remonte le Temps

Martin Remonte le Temps

Après la chute d'une horloge sur le moteur de Martin, il remonte le temps jusqu'en 1909 où il rencontre Stanley, une jeune voiture ambitieuse en route pour la Californie. À l'aide de Flash McQueen, Martin change le cours de l'histoire en convaincant Stanley de fonder Radiator Springs. Stanley rencontre Lizzie et ils commémorent l’ouverture du nouveau palais de justice lors de leur mariage..

Love, Death & Cars

Love, Death & Cars

In Los Angeles, Max and Haley go to a reading and book signing of Kyle, a friend of Max's from New York. Through flashbacks and conversations, we learn that they were more than casual friends, and Kyle's reappearance throws Haley and Max's relationship into question. Central to the two men's history was a Grand Canyon trip some years before. Max may need to travel that road again with renewed honesty if he's to sort out his life's conflicts and contradictions..

Les voitures qui ont façonné le monde

Les voitures qui ont façonné le monde

Peu d'inventions ont eu un impact sur la vie des hommes et sur la physionomie de la planète comparable à celui de la voiture. Cette aventure a été portée par de grands noms, des ingénieurs visionnaires doublés d'hommes d'affaires redoutables..

The Cars in Your Life

The Cars in Your Life

A light, humorous look at the motor car and the great North American itch for a place on the road. From the comparative peace of Honest Joe's used-car lot, this film hustles you onto our public speedways, where hot rubber erases any distance between all points. Slow-motion and pop-on-pop-off photography make this a provocative, revealing study of motormania unlimited. A 1960 black and white production. (Also released under the title 1/3 Down and 24 Months to Pay.).