

Où voir Capricorn Netflix

Capricorn One

Capricorn One

Houston, Texas. Quelques minutes avant le départ d'un vol habité à destination de la planète Mars, les trois astronautes présents dans la fusée sont évacués. Ce vol est une question de prestige pour la NASA et un enjeu électoral pour le Président des Etats-Unis, et nul n'a voulu prendre le risque d'un échec. Aussi, les trois astronautes sont-ils emmenés dans un lieu secret, où ils devront simuler devant des caméras de télévision l'exploration de la planète Mars. En cas de refus, leurs familles seront en danger....

Les Amants du Capricorne

Les Amants du Capricorne

Charles Adare, aristocrate anglais, débarque en 1835 chez son oncle gouverneur à Sydney. Au cour d'un dîner, il retrouve sa cousine Harrietta, mariée à Sam Flusky. Elle semble complètement désorientée et arrive titubante et décoiffée. Sam raconte à Charles qu'il rencontra sa femme en Irlande alors qu'il n'était qu'un garçon d'étable. Il tua le frère d'Harrietta qui s'opposait à leur mariage....

Under Capricorn

Under Capricorn

Helen Simpson's scorching novel of passion and unspoken loyalty is brought to life in a major mini series unfolding in the epic Australian tradition of Against The Wind and Sara Dane..

Lâche-moi les jarretelles

Lâche-moi les jarretelles

Gianni est un homme comblé, à qui tout réussit : brillant architecte, as du tennis, une femme superbe, Gioia. Mais il ne peut s'empêcher de la tromper avec toutes les jolies femmes de son entourage. Lassée des infidélités de son mari, Gioia quitte Rome et le foyer conjugal pour l'île paradisiaque d'Ischia. Elle décide de se venger et monte un scénario à la mesure de sa déception et envoie un message disant qu'elle va prendre une quarantaine d'amants. Descendue dans un hôtel de luxe, elle est bien entendu la cible de tous les mâles de l'Hôtel, notamment du Baron "Brise-Fer". A Rome, Gianni devient fou de jalousie et multiplie les bourdes..

Corto Maltese : Sous le signe du Capricorne

Corto Maltese : Sous le signe du Capricorne

Corto croise dans les eaux des Caraïbes et vogue jusqu'aux côtés de la Guyane et du Brésil. Il se risque au coeur de l'Amazonie où il va participer au combat des paysans pauvres contre les grands propriétaires terriens, sympathiser avec des indiens réducteurs de têtes, soutenir un bagnard évadé de Cayenne et approcher des prêtresses vaudous?.

Tropic of Capricorn

Tropic of Capricorn

Four trans women are brought into a hotel room on the same night. Each one of them is asked to lay on a bed in an empty room and reveal herself to a camera mounted on the ceiling. As the film progresses, they share with the camera their fantasies, hopes, questionings and experiences in the streets of São Paulo, where they work as prostitutes..

Tropic of Capricorn

Tropic of Capricorn

Tropic of Capricorn is a BBC television documentary series. It was aired on BBC Two in 2008 and showed presenter Simon Reeve travelling along the Tropic of Capricorn..

Trópico de Capricórnio

Trópico de Capricórnio

The recovery of family videos is the resumption of a path: the massification of VHS brought new levels to family recordings. With the incorporation of sound, home videos gave way to commentaries, speeches and the filtering of sounds, giving rise to a documentation of the sounds of each era. In this first-person film, Juliana Antunes revisits, reframes and recombines the discordances between norm and desire in the memories of an LGBT girl in a Brazilian suburb..

Men Of Capricorn

Men Of Capricorn

The way of life for people living along the tropic of Capricorn in Queensland 1965. Farming and mining are the main industries in this area of Australia and the only way to get around is by road train, train or plane. The hard way of life for these people is portrayed in this film..

Last Day of Capricorn

Last Day of Capricorn

“A self-portrait on my 38th birthday, which I spent alone in a stranger’s apartment. I searched for messages from the pictures on the walls. I sat in every chair. Anne died and I was getting older. Nothing else happens. Dedicated to Anne Charlotte Robertson.” (written by Tara Merenda Nelson).

Capricorn 29

Capricorn 29

On the eve of her 29th birthday, an internet user discovers that 30-year-olds with minimal prospects are secretly being culled from society..

Cancer to Capricorn: Path of the Modern Gypsy

Cancer to Capricorn: Path of the Modern Gypsy

Taking place between the latitudinal lines of the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, Reef’s new movie documents the search for perfect surf and new cultural experiences on the path of the modern gypsy. Coming in the Summer of 2010, Cancer to Capricorn – The Path of The Modern Gypsy, features Mick Fanning, Rob Machado, Tonino Benson, Mike Losness, Ben Bourgeois, Miss Reef and many more..

L'année du capricorne

L'année du capricorne

January 1957, in a small town in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. A middle-class house, the home of two sisters, Clara and Thérèse, whose characters could not be more different. After their father is institutionalized, the two women take over the family business, which specializes in precision optics. One day, the floor of the music room collapses after being ravaged by termites. Karoly, a Hungarian refugeee and jack-of-all-trades, is hired to repair the damage. The Hungarian's presence causes ripples in the seemingly unchangeable life of the two sisters....



In the blink of an eye, high school student Taku Shimamura finds himself transported to the bizarre world of Slaffleaze, where intelligent creatures govern and the ruling class, led by the villainous Zolba, is plotting the invasion of the world they know as Capricorn, the Earth. Joining together with the oppressed Slaffleaze peasants, Taku must find a way to stop Zolba's dark forces before the way to the unsuspecting Earth is opened. In order to do so, he must first gain the love and trust of the last of the Yappie, the ancestral guardians of Slaffeaze. This is a task that will take more than a little courage and daring, for the last Yappie is not just a cute young female, she`s also a dragon..