

Où voir Birdman Netflix



A portrait of Robert, a troubled but poetic soul struggling with his purgatorial existence in a hackney scrapyard..



À l’époque où il incarnait un célèbre super‐héros, Riggan Thomson était mondialement connu. Mais de cette célébrité il ne reste plus grand‐chose, et il tente aujourd’hui de monter une pièce de théâtre à Broadway dans l’espoir de renouer avec sa gloire perdue. Durant les quelques jours qui précèdent la première, il va devoir tout affronter: sa famille et ses proches, son passé, ses rêves et son ego… S’il s’en sort, le rideau a une chance de s’ouvrir….



BIRDMAN uses almost random extracts from Ludwig Koch's book, "Memoirs of a Birdman" to create a radical experimental work, loosely inspired by aspects of Brechtian epic theatre..

Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

Harvey Birdman, avocat au barreau, présente l'ex-super-héros Harvey T. Birdman de Galaxyman et du Galaxy Trio en tant qu'avocat travaillant pour un cabinet d'avocats aux côtés d'autres vedettes du dessin animé des séries Hanna-Barbera. De même, les clients de Harvey sont principalement composés de personnages de la série de dessins animés Hanna-Barbera de la même époque. Bon nombre des personnages de Birdman figurant dans son ancienne série de dessins animés sont également devenus des avocats, représentant souvent la partie adverse d'un cas donné..

Birdman and the Galaxy Trio

Birdman and the Galaxy Trio

Birdman and the Galaxy Trio is an animated science fiction television series created by Alex Toth and produced by Hanna-Barbera. It debuted on NBC on September 9, 1967, and ran on Saturday mornings until September 6, 1969. The program consists of two segments: Birdman, depicting the adventures of a winged superhero powered by the sun, and The Galaxy Trio, centering around the exploits of three extraterrestrial superheroes. NBC ran two new segments of Birdman each Saturday, separated by a segment of The Galaxy Trio. The character of Birdman was revived three decades later in the Cartoon Network/Adult Swim TV series Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, and several characters from Birdman and the Galaxy Trio appeared in this revival..

Le Prisonnier d'Alcatraz

Le Prisonnier d'Alcatraz

Coupable de meurtres, Robert Stroud est condamné à la réclusion à perpétuité dans la sinistre prison d'Alcatraz. Le forçat supporte difficilement les conditions de vie jusqu'au jour où il trouve un épervier blessé dans la cour de prison et décide de le soigner. Cet événement insignifiant va pourtant changer sa vie à jamais. Car, en dépit d'une éducation limitée, le prisonnier va devenir un ornithologue reconnu et donner ainsi, derrière les murs d'Alcatraz, un extraordinaire sens au mot liberté..

The Birdman

The Birdman

The story of an ornithologist who’s remarkable work is safeguarding the future of not just birds but reptiles, mammals and one day perhaps even humans. When scientists declared the Mauritius Kestrel beyond salvation, one young biology graduate refused to let it become another obsolete species..

Book of Birdman

Book of Birdman

Based on the book of pen and ink illustrations and drawings with written verses. A mixture of monologues and performances from the Birdman as he confronts his enemies who are trying to destroy him and his environment..

Voyager Birdman

Voyager Birdman

Voyager Birdman is a frame-by-frame experimental animation made from simple spontaneous line drawings, rotoscoped video clips, and views of the highway filmed between Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Sounds of podcast voices, old radio programs, Nasa recordings, and sampled audio files carried by the Voyager space probes launched in the late 1970’s merge with an unfolding stream of hand-drawn symbols, figures, abstractions, and fragments of the passing highway landscape. On one level, it’s about the idea of using drawing, animation and collage to find and create meaning. More directly, it’s an attempt to capture the fleeting dynamics of thoughts, memories and dreams experienced on a long night’s drive - much like the virtual and untethered character of contemporary existence - and the enduring lure of an interstellar connection..