

Our House voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Our House

Our House

Our House is an American television drama series that aired on NBC for two seasons from September 11, 1986 to May 8, 1988. The series centers on the Witherspoon family and the challenges they face adjusting to life with three generations living in the same house..

Our House

Our House

A group of very different people pool together their funds and buy a house large enough to accommodate them all. Characters include librarian Georgina Ruddy, council official Simon Willow, unemployable Daisy Burke, Yorkshire sea dog Captain Illiffe and his French singing wife, newlywed Hattons and law student Gordon Brent..

Our House

Our House

En rentrant chez elle un jour, Fi Lawson découvre qu'une famille d'étrangers a pris possession des lieux. Le cauchemar commence alors pour Fi et Bram, son mari....

Notre maison

Notre maison

Un jeune génie invente accidentellement un appareil qui amplifie les activités paranormales dans la maison familiale. L’appareil lui permettra de ramener les esprits d’êtres chers, mais aussi de libérer des esprits malveillants..

Our House

Our House

Novelist Judy and her husband Mack move into an idyllic country home for a fresh start in their marriage, only to learn that the tragic cycle of their past is inescapable..

Our House

Our House

Our House is a British Entertainment television programme. Originally broadcast on UKTV Style, it is a show which more thoroughly follows the DIY show fad of the late 1990s. The object of the show is to take a dilapidated house and completely do it up into a "dream" house. The show claims to "bring together everything you need to know about creating your own dream home under one roof - expert advice, step-by-step DIY guides, tricks of the trade". A step-by-step guide to creating the perfect home, in which a 1950's run-down three-bedroom house in Bexley, Kent is renovated from scratch. The show has a central presenter in Andrea McLean, and a series of experts who offer step-by-step advice and insider knowledge on DIY..



Our House is a British Entertainment television programme. Broadcast on UKTV Style, it is a show which more thoroughly follows the DIY show fad of the late 1990s. The object of the show is to take a dilapidated house and completely do it up into a "Dream" house. The shows claims to: bring together everything you need to know about creating your own dream home under one roof - expert advice, step-by-step DIY guides, tricks of the trade The show has a central presenter in Andrea McLean, and a series of experts, including: Harry Greene, Craig Phillips, Gavin Lowe, Steve Toms Fran McAteer, John Amabile and Tommy Walsh.

Our House

Our House

March 25, 2006 Ruth Galloway is a well-to-do socialite who's not quite as secure inside as she seems from the outside. When a young woman named Billy saves her life, Ruth decides to turn her mansion into a shelter for the city's homeless..

All About Our House

All About Our House

Two newlyweds decide to build their dream home, and hire an old friend named Yanagisawa to design it. Unfortunately, Yanagisawa isn’t licensed to build homes, so they call in the wife’s father, a retired carpenter, to help out. When Yanagisawa’s contemporary ideas clash with the old carpenter’s traditional Japanese methods, the project becomes a huge mess..

Our House

Our House

Set against the coastal farmlands of Southern Rhode Island, a Revolutionary War soldier washes ashore from the past and is resurrected by a defeated isolationist headed for the S-Train..

L'été de la peur

L'été de la peur

Lorsque la cousine de Rachel, Julia, vient vivre dans sa famille, des faits troublants apparaissent. Les rapports de Rachel vis-à-vis de sa famille vont aller en se dégradant, alors que ceux de Julia prendront une grande importance. Elle fera renvoyer le petit ami de Rachel tandis que le père et le frère de celle-ci succomberont à son pouvoir. Rachel devra se battre seule pour découvrir quelles sont ces forces démoniaques qui ont transformé sa vie en un véritable cauchemar..

Our House

Our House

A teenager celebrates turning sixteen on a summer's evening in London by committing a crime to impress his girlfriend. When the police arrive he faces one of his first serious career choices. Featuring the music of Madness..

Our House

Our House

On Dan Taylor's first day out of prison he had nowhere to go, and faced one of the most important choices of his life: to return to his past of drug addiction or to try for something better. Through a chance encounter the next day, he met Derek, a young Christian anarchist, who invited him to move into a new and very unusual community. Called "Our House," it was an alternative to the impersonal shelter system, providing the homeless a safe place where everyone lived communally (and illegally) in an abandoned warehouse. Besides a roof and healthy food, Dan also found new friends, a spiritual haven in a makeshift 'prayer tent,' and the hope of putting his life back together. But when the building is set for demolition to make way for luxury condos, Dan and the other residents must confront the inevitable end of their community and what that will mean for their futures..

Chaque soir à neuf heures

Chaque soir à neuf heures

Ils sont sept enfants de 4 à 13 ans qui vivent avec leur mère dans une petite maison de la banlieue de Londres. Mais lorsque celle-ci meurt, les enfants, craignant d'être envoyés à l'orphelinat, cache le décès aux yeux de tous. Chaque soir à neuf heures, ils se recueillent dans l'abri de jardin où ils l'ont enterré. Un jour, leur père disparu depuis des années refait surface. Et son penchant pour l'alcool va bouleverser l'équilibre de la petite communauté..

Robot In Our House

Robot In Our House

A young man named Youssef works on a project to manufacture a robot with artificial intelligence, and when he succeeds in creating the two delicious Zumba models, his life and the life of his family are quickly turned upside down..

To Set Our House in Order

To Set Our House in Order

In coming to grips with previously well-concealed information about the death of her uncle in World War I, and the emotional upheaval it continues to cause her family, a young girl begins to question the benevolence of God and the order in God's world. Based on the short story by Margaret Laurence..

Our Small Houses

Our Small Houses

Iraqi writer and director Kassem Hawal’s 24 minute film Our Small Houses is one of the few surviving works made by the cinema group Hawal founded and led under the Central Information Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Badly damaged and often overlooked in histories of revolutionary film, it combines lucid Marxist-Leninist analyses with striking montage techniques..