

Our Daily Bread streaming vf complet gratuit

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

Durement touchés par la Grande Dépression, John et Mary Sims rassemblent leur courage et s’exilent en campagne pour fonder, avec l’aide d’autres travailleurs, une communauté agricole socialiste basée sur les enseignements d’Edward Gallafent..

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

A short documentary on how one family lives out each day to earn their daily bread. How one man's trash is literally transformed into this family's treasure..

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

Cene, the lead character of the comedy series, finds himself at the lowest point of his life. After his marriage hits the skids and he gets fired, he decides to leave the city for the country. He finds another job, decides to leave the past behind and make a new beginning for himself..

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

A social parable without words about how different people earn money. The heroine who sells her crops on the street, all day long watches sadly as passers-by actively give something to a beggar, but don’t buy anything from her. encouraging beggars, discourages workers..

Notre pain quotidien

Notre pain quotidien

Pendant deux ans, Nikolaus Geyrhalter a placé sa caméra au coeur des plus grands groupes européens agricoles, nous donnant accès des zones inaccessibles. Il a filmé les employés, les lieux et les différents processus de production pour réaliser un documentaire cinéma qui interroge et implique intimement chaque spectateur. Notre pain quotidien ouvre une fenêtre sur l'industrie alimentaire de nos civilisations occidentales modernes. Réponse à notre sur-consommmation, la productivité nous a éloigné d'une réalité humaine pour entrer dans une démesure ultra-intensive qui a rejoint les descriptions des romans d'anticipation. Cadrages minutieusement composés, images cristallines, montage fluide construisent un film sans commentaire, sans propagande, dont les images parlent et demeurent. Notre Pain Quotidien questionne, inquiète et fascine..

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

A story about a family after the Second World War. The petty bourgeois cashier Karl Weber of Berlin observes from a distance how his son Ernst participates in the building of a new socialist society. Karl does not understand Ernst's visions, instead he confides in his other son Harry. However, Harry becomes involved in illicit business and Karl quickly realizes that it would be best to join his son Ernst in the citizen-owned factory..

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

MamaPan is an artisan bakery where the female employees are social cases who would hardly find a job given that, for example, they cannot read or write. We see the harsh reality of these women, their instability and their inability to adapt, which results from all the problems they bring from home. The film presents their perspective in contact with the economic and entrepreneurial perspective and once again shows the problems in the social system related to the integration of vulnerable people in Romania..

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

Pedro and Leonor have a disturbed relationship as a couple. They live together, on the countryside, but they start to grow apart from each other, thanks to Sunday’s church. While Peter doesn’t care for religion and actually likes to mock it, Leonor is getting more religious and grow fond with the priest. His jealous rises, also with help from church’s clerk, and Peter decides to take action with his barehands..

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

In another early advertisement of her's, Greta and a group of friends have tea on the rooftop terrace of the Strand Hôtel and later have a picnic in the park..

Our Daily Bread Give Us Today

Our Daily Bread Give Us Today

The film shows the work of the Red Cross in Sarajevo during Yugoslavia. The Red Cross has been present in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1912, and thanks to its work, many families had a hot meal every day..