

Orca voirfilms



Orca raconte l'histoire d'un homme, le capitaine Nolan, et d'un épaulard (autre nom de l'orque). Avec son équipage, Annie, Paul et Novak, Nolan pêche le requin. Il revend les animaux qu'il capture à des aquariums. Un jour, il rencontre Rachel, une professeur d'université qui voue une passion pour les épaulards. Nolan se met alors en tête d'attraper un de ces animaux, en espérant en tirer un profit plus important. Lors de sa tentative de capture, il blesse mortellement un épaulard femelle qui était sur le point de mettre bas. Dès lors, le mâle, furieux, prend en chasse le bateau du capitaine. Il le poursuivra jusqu'à ce qu'il obtienne sa vengeance..



Elham is a young, divorced Iranian woman. Seeking to find herself after a near-fatal beating by her husband, she finds solace and salvation in the water and soon makes her mark as a formidable endurance swimmer. In the fight of her life, Elham faces political, religious, and personal obstacles in search of her goal: the Guinness World Record for swimming the longest distance with hands bound..



Eleven people, isolated from the outside world, communicate via screens. A son wants to hold the hand of his suffering mother. Love grows. A mother has abandoned her family. A therapist finds himself at the edge of ruin. A daughter connects with her parents..



A toy orca from childhood appears in our heroes' life. Now it looks like a big real mammal with a defined mission: to lead the heroine from her everyday life to an adventure she was waiting for..

Le Phare aux orques

Le Phare aux orques

Une mère emmène son fils autiste jusqu'en Patagonie dans l'espoir qu'un ranger et un groupe d'orques sauvages pourront l'aider à établir une connexion émotionnelle..

La Orca

La Orca

A teenage girl is kidnapped by 3 guys and taken to an abandoned house in the country, where she is made to write her own ransom letter. She soon discovers that one of her captors is infatuated with her and she will use those feelings to stay alive..

Oedipus Orca

Oedipus Orca

Sequel to "La Orca" which follows the life of the kidnapped girl after she returns home to her boyfriend and family. After her kidnap ordeal Alice tries to return to her normal life, but her memories still haunt her and her way to see the world has been changed forever..

Resident Orca

Resident Orca

Resident Orca tells the unfolding story of a captive whale’s fight for survival and freedom. After decades of failed attempts to bring her home, an unlikely partnership between Indigenous matriarchs, a billionaire philanthropist, killer whale experts, and the aquarium’s new owner take on the impossible task of freeing Lolita, captured 53 years ago as a baby, only to spend the rest of her life performing in the smallest killer whale tank in North America. When Lolita falls ill under troubling circumstances, her advocates are faced with a painful question: is it too late to save her?.