

Opa! voirfilms

Opa Popa Dupa

Opa Popa Dupa

A puppets show with a clear goal: to educate through entertainment. With songs, celebrities and lots of humor so that children can learn great values while they are still little and the grownups can feel proud. And they can all roar with laughter while watching Eco and Nube, the first NatGeo Kids explorers, trying to live with all the animals in the forest..

Don't Call Me Grandpa

Don't Call Me Grandpa

Despite being 45, Werner still likes putting on the style and enjoys being a womanizer, who usually ends up in bed with the female guests that stay at the hostel in which he temporarily works. But then, Werner has to learn to take on responsibility. When he was 18, he and his former girlfriend Tine, had a daughter called Julia, who is a mother herself now. Whenever she is in desperate need of a babysitter, she approaches Werner, who then grudgingly accepts. But Werner has discovered that this new "job" is a real godsend, as when he takes his granddaughter to the playground, he is a great hit with the ladies. He especially likes Kathie, who comes there with her little son Finn. Of course, he can't let her know that he is a granddad and so he says that he is Zora's father… and to Julia's surprise - but also joy - he wants to babysit Zora as often as possible..

Vatertage - Opa über Nacht

Vatertage - Opa über Nacht

The 37-year-old Munich survivor and rickshaw driver Basti struck by lightning than one day unexpectedly the 17-year-old Dina from Bitterfeld turns up on his doorstep and quite credible claims to be his daughter. Moreover, they presented him her baby Paul and asks Basti, fearing further turmoil, not only attention, but also money..

So'o Opa

So'o Opa

Isabel Ramírez, an immigrant woman from Paraguay who has lived for more than forty years in Chaco, Argentina, is preparing the traditional recipe of so'o opa for her family, while telling the story that was passed down from generation to generation. The elaboration process leads her to connect with her roots, to remember the times lived in her beloved Paraguay and above all the importance of the good values ​​and customs of her native culture, such as sharing the table with the family, gratitude and faith in God..

King Grandpa

King Grandpa

Clemens lives and breathes his grandfather’s stories. When his grandfather passes away, it is difficult for him to understand that it is now his turn to continue telling his stories. Story-telling becomes a way for him to not only keep the stories but also the memory of his grandfather alive..