

On Your Marks! voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

On Your Mark

On Your Mark

Lors d'un raid contre une secte, deux officiers de police anti-terroriste découvrent une mystérieuse jeune fille ailée. Peu de temps après, des scientifiques emmenèrent cette fille afin de lui faire des expériences. Les deux policiers décident donc de la délivrer car cette vie n'est pas.

Les Simpson : Flemme Olympique

Les Simpson : Flemme Olympique

Cette cassette compile quatre épisodes, dont un inédit, où la famille découvre les joies du hockey, du base-ball et de la boxe. Dans l'épisode inédit "Il était une foi", Bart semble doué de mystérieux pouvoirs de guérison. Touché par la grâce, il voue désormais sa vie à soigner les gens. Mais pourra-t-il guérir un joueur de l'équipe de football de l'université de Springfield ? Dans "Le roi du ring", Homer devient boxeur car il est impossible de le mettre K.-O. Mais entre ses mains, le noble art prend des allures de cirque ! "Le Hockey qui tue" raconte comment la jeune Lisa s'improvise gardienne de hockey et affronte Bart sur la glace, au mépris de tout esprit sportif. Enfin, Homer devient un vrai "Dieu du stade" après être nommé mascotte de l'équipe de base-ball de Springfield et découvre les joies du sport business..

On Your Marks: Tension Lines

On Your Marks: Tension Lines

Lines come together and clash producing a creative disruption that leads to new lines being produced, borders dissolving and then reappearing. Clashing lines create new possibilities for redefinition. This short silent film employs digital green screen to create fleshy layers seeping underneath and being revealed, and other sets of imagery coming through. The lines that you can see were made in the physical world using marker pens and paper. The resulting line drawings were then documented and filmed where the camera moved across the drawn paper. Now existing digitally, the drawings were then layered over one another and green screen processes were applied to create arresting tensions between the lines. The marks without sound makes you stop from thinking about the moment it was drawn and now put into a different space the viewer concentrates on the layers – all these tensions in the lines being made..

The Marks on Your Skin

The Marks on Your Skin

Teenager Miika, who has closed himself in guilt and self-loathing after his parents' divorce, falls in love with domestically abused Jenna. He feels the desire and need to protect her from a situation that is even more chaotic than his own.

Take Your Mark

Take Your Mark

The two friends Zhang Ruo Chen and Cheng Zhe Hai have a common dream: They want to become part of the national swimming team. In the national swimming championship they end up competing against each other. During the 200 Freestyle, however, Zhe Hai suddenly falls back and thus has no chance of standing on the awards platform anymore. Moreover, he disappears without any word after the match. Ruo Chen is angry for he believes that Zhe Hai let him win on purpose. Two years later, the two former friends unexpectedly meet again at the same sports school, but Ruo Chen is very cold while Zhe Hai seems to have lost any interest in swimming..

On Your Mark

On Your Mark

Xiao Erdong, a young man with a congenital disease but a "marathon dream", Xiao Daming, a taxi driver who stubbornly forced his son to preview the "life of the blind", father and son who do not understand each other, But in a marathon, they "exchanged identities" and stood side by side on the starting line.