

Offline sokroflix gratuit



Representatives from a major security brand, an advertising agency and a production company meet at a so-called offline meeting, to try to agree on the final cut of a commercial film. The commercial is supposed to promote the company’s diverse profile, but the problems begin when the client thinks two of the black actors look too much alike..



Tiago doesn't understand the internet. Rita doesn't understand people. Tiago is a 5th and 6th grade History teacher who, against the will of his mother and his boss, lives without a smartphone or computer, completely offline. Rita is his antisocial neighbour, who loves videogames and procrastinating. Sailorspoon and Davintji are funny and wise youtubers... Whilst Sailorspoon dreams of a trip to Japan, Davintji suffers with the love life of his brother Marco. Diana searches for love with an app... She and Marco form a romantic pair that meets over the net. All of them trying to discover who they are, and how to survive in a world that is increasingly digital. Dick pics, hashtags, youtubers, memes. Illuminati confirmed!.



Ever want to switch off and live in the moment? This feeling inspired the Global Nitro team to go offline and focus only on the next turn, side hit, tweak, airtime, carve, pow slash or high five..



Offline is a short disaster comedy film that takes the very real threat of losing your internet connection and treats it like it's the actual end of the world..



Four teenagers, everyday life, school, work and a week-long offline challenge. What do the lives of today's teenagers look like when they find themselves without an internet connection? In addition to disconnecting, they were to record their feelings and experiences in a video diary. Without the Internet, without music, without movies and series, and without any communication with the world around them, life can turn upside down..



Kevin is annoyed that he has to spend his afternoon teaching his Grandma how to use the World Wide Web, so he decides to leave it to herself to learn. However, with only a few instructions left by her Grandson, Grandma accidentally deletes the Internet. While Grandma sits quietly at home with no knowledge of what she has done, chaos and destruction begin to arise as many struggle to come to grips with their current offline status, including an online gamer in France, a pretentious Canadian Internet expert, a high tempered American President trying to find the source of the problem, and many more from around the world..



In a magically cosy autumn setting, Lissi Muschol interviews people about their everyday online behaviour. The surrounding nature empowers them to imagine a world free from stressful internet habits and addictions. They manage to slow down, reflect and make way for the idea of a courageous offline experiment..



Après avoir purgé une peine de prison de sept ans, Rudy Vandekerckhove a en vue un objectif bien précis : retrouver du travail comme réparateur de machines à laver et, plus important encore, se rapprocher de la famille qu'il a laissée derrière lui. Malgré le soutien de Denise, une coiffeuse à la retraite, et de son ami Rachid, aucun de ces projets ne rencontre un franc succès. Juste au moment où des retrouvailles semblent tout de même se profiler à l'horizon, le passé reprend le dessus et Rudy est confronté à la décision la plus difficile de sa vie....

The Offliners

The Offliners

In Hong Kong, investing in finance, real estate and commerce are down-to-earth activities, but rich heiress Wong Chifei prefers getting her head in the clouds, cofounding a start-up technology company with her best friend Hui Chingwai. A network hacking incident allows Chifei to have a chance to know how capable IT genius Ding Shunhei is, so she invites him to join the company. Shunhei is a geek and oblivious to his surroundings, so he gets help from a nurse named Cheung Loi who helps him overcome communication barriers. Meanwhile, at work, Chifei has always believed in technology making the world a better place, but as friends and family members become engulfed in internet controversies, her beliefs begin to waver..



BeHappy is a secret invisible application that serves to buy drugs through a smartphone. Its users face a serious opponent who hides under the name of Anonymus. He informs them that he has managed to disclose the data of everyone who has ever used this application and now he gives them a choice - to go to the police and confess everything or play a game with death. What happens if you lose this game becomes clear when Be Happy users receive a photo of kladen with his throat cut..

Line Offline Salaryman

Line Offline Salaryman

The daily difficulties of Moon, a salaryman that works at the product design department of Line Corporation. The anime shorts are set in the fictional Line Corporation with a motley crew of idiosyncratic workers. There is the narcissistic section head and president's son James, the subsection head Moon (who is always gone somewhere but somehow gets his work done), the quiet but kindhearted subsection head Brown, and the subordinate Connie who is in an endless loop of yo-yo diets and weight gains..

Guigo Offline

Guigo Offline

Guigo is in love with Sabrina, with whom he exchanges messages through his cell phone. He is the son of separated parents. One day he and his friend Túlio travel to a fishery with their father, Roberto, and his friend, Paulo..

Holidays Offline 2

Holidays Offline 2

Kairat agrees to an excellent offer to lead a large holding company leaving Dastan and Bolat in charge of the camp. But this two quarrel and divide the camp into two rival groups. Every day they come up with tricky plans on how to prank the opponents..

Offline Valley

Offline Valley

Claire and David are on a trip to Offline Valley in order to disconnect from social networks and the pressures of modern-day society. They'll probably end up dead..