

Oda Nobunaga voirfilms

Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga

Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga

L'époque Sengoku fut une période de conflits entre les seigneurs de guerre. Oda Nobunaga, le plus grand de tous, renaît aujourd'hui dans le Japon moderne... en Shiba-inu ! Mais il n'est pas le seul car, pour une raison inexpliquée, d'autres généraux de cette époque se sont également réincarnés en chiens. La rivalité entre les différentes provinces jadis en guerre va reprendre dans l'enceinte du parc à chiens... - Adaptation du manga éponyme de Una Megurogawa..

Oda Nobunaga

Oda Nobunaga

Born as the second son of warlord Oda Nobuhide in Owari province, Nobunaga rises to power after his father's death and gains the support of Saito Dozo in his quest to unify Owari province and bring an end to the chaotic Sengoku period. However, Nobunaga's strong personality incurs the resentment of Akechi Mitsuhide..

Shouga Dorama Oda Nobunaga

Shouga Dorama Oda Nobunaga

Oda Nobunaga slips back in time to the present and arrives on the set of "Oda Nobunaga", a historical drama serial. "This is not who I really am!", the short-tempered Nobunaga loses his temper and rewrites the script without permission. It was a small, small-scale drama, just a bunch of maniacal and slightly funny episodes, not a "Taiga Drama" at all. Now filming has begun on a historical drama directed by the real Nobunaga that is "ridiculous but all true"!.

Young Ruddy Warrior: Nobunaga Oda

Young Ruddy Warrior: Nobunaga Oda

A dynamic story depicting the rise to power of Oda Nobunaga. The story of a young man on the battlefields of the Sengoku era, who possessed character and courage, and who became a great commander and ruler, while some called him a great dictator. A film adaptation of the novel by Sohachi Yamaoka..

Oda Nobunaga

Oda Nobunaga

A classic wartime jidaigeki about the life of the famous samurai and first of the "Great Unifiers" of Japan, Oda Nobunaga, with Kataoka Chiezo and Shimura Takashi.

Oda Nobunaga

Oda Nobunaga

Among the great ‘Warlords’ in Japanese history, Oda Nobunaga holds a unique place. In effect, his military success led to the ultimate unification of the country. This historically accurate portrayal of Nobunaga’s life and times is highlighted by many of Japan’s biggest stars, most notably Watanabe Ken in the lead role. Bloody realistic fighting, massive battles, and castle intrigues all drawn from historical sources bring this 2 part drama to new heights in storytelling..

Lucky Adventurer Nobunaga Oda

Lucky Adventurer Nobunaga Oda

Oda Nobunaga (1534–1582) was a major daimyo during the Warring State period of Japanese history. He was the second son of Oda Nobuhide, a deputy military governor with land holdings in Owari province. Nobunaga lived a life of continuous military conquest, eventually conquering a third of Japanese daimyo before his death in 1582. Telling the story of his rise to prominence as he leads an army of 4,000 men against the 40,000 troops of Lord Imagawa Yoshimoto to prevent the arrogant daimyo from crushing the Oda clan and taking control of the entire nation. From a newly restored anamorpic widescreen print, this is the ultimate warlord movie..

Okehazama: Oda Nobunaga Birth of the Overlord

Okehazama: Oda Nobunaga Birth of the Overlord

Drama set in the historical Warring States Era of Japan. Tokaido name Imagawa Yoshimoto personally led his army to invade Owari Province territory, now in Aichi Prefecture Nagoya City area, was the leader Nobunaga of this surprising burst of death. After the war, the Imagawa clan who originally dominated the Tokaido region fell away, and the victorious Oda Nobunaga quickly expanded his power in Central Japan and the Kinki region, laying the foundation for his future control of the central government of Japan..