

Où voir Yellowbird Netflix



Daisy and her father William live on an isolated sheep farm in rural Scotland. At twenty years old, she has never been outside the farmland, spending her time helping William with household tasks, upkeep of the farm - and keeping a dark secret. When a radio broadcast reports the disappearance of a young man, we begin to uncover what is binding Daisy and William to their land, and each other..



While living in New York, a young immigrant receives tragic news from overseas, and must choose between going home or staying in the US to maintain her legal status..

Gus : Petit oiseau, grand Voyage

Gus : Petit oiseau, grand Voyage

À l’heure du départ pour la grande migration, Darius, le doyen de la volée est blessé, il va devoir confier tous ses secrets et le nouvel itinéraire du voyage au premier oiseau venu. Et cet oiseau… c’est notre héros, exalté à l’idée de découvrir enfin le monde… mais pas du tout migrateur !.