

Où voir Who Am I? Netflix

Qui suis-je

Qui suis-je

Benjamin, un jeune informaticien allemand, est invité à se joindre à un groupe de hacker subversive qui veut se faire remarquer sur la scène du monde..

Guess Who I Am

Guess Who I Am

According to legend, there is a person in the rivers and lakes who makes the rich and scumbags turn their faces. She specializes in rectifying the scumbags and never fails. This girl is named Song Yao. All this depends on the fantasy system she has-attracting rich people. Any rich man worth hundreds of millions will fall in love with her irresistibly as long as he looks at her. However, no matter how powerful the system is, there will be a day when it encounters Waterloo: Song Yao's pair of magical electric eyes actually failed in the Chengtian Group's prince "Ji Chengchuan". But Song Yao didn't know, it was all because the prince in front of him was a counterfeit - the liar Qin Hao. In this way, two playwrights with their own minds met, destined to start a fight like Mr. and Mrs. Smith. When a trench-sucking girl bumps into a liar boy, who can outwit them. And behind Song Yao's life experience, what secrets are hidden?.

#who am I

#who am I

Akane, wakes up in the hospital, where she learns that she attempted suicide. The problem is that the girl has absolutely no recollection of it, and she also suffers from amnesia. Trying to discover who she is and what really happened, Akane starts browsing through her SNS's. Soon, analyzing her profiles, full of positive energy, and after some talk to her friends and family, she begins to believe that she ended up in the hospital, not by an attempt to take her own life, but by someone's deliberate plan, to kill her. However, everything gets complicated when, after desperately asking for help on her social accounts to solve the mystery, Akane meets a wall of people presenting her as a riotous and cruel influencer who will do anything for fame. So who's the real Akane?.

Qui suis-je ?

Qui suis-je ?

Un commando est envoyé en Afrique pour dérober une nouvelle arme très puissante. Dans l'avion, Jackie veut rattraper un traître mais il tombe de l'avion. Recueilli par des africains, il est devenu amnésique et les autochtones l'appelle "Who Am I", les seuls mots qui sortent de sa bouche. Mais lorsqu'il rejoint la vie urbaine, il cherche à tout prix retrouver son identité ainsi que le traître qui a tenté de le tuer et causé la mort de toute son équipe..

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Pasteur Joe, est un jeune père de famille qui dirige une église dans une ville active où il tend la main aux pauvres et aux démunis de toutes les manières possibles. Un jour, une femme nommée Tasha vient à son église pour demander de l'aide. Le pasteur Joe s'assoit avec elle et elle partage une histoire de vie intense. Elle raconte comment elle est née, comment elle a été libérée d'un monde de drogue, de racisme, de vol et de trafic d'êtres humains. Son histoire devient de plus en plus complexe à mesure que des personnes de son passé entrent en contact avec le pasteur Joe avec leurs propres luttes de vie: suicide, grossesse chez les adolescentes et avortement. Au fur et à mesure que leurs histoires s'enchaînent, cela amène l'espoir, la rédemption et le salut au premier plan et nous donne une image de ce que signifie faire l'expérience de la transformation de Dieu, passer des ténèbres à la lumière et continuer sur le chemin étroit chaque jour..

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Panel show hosted by Tony Slattery where a celebrity panel try to deduce the name of a famous celebrity guest in the studio by asking questions and solving clues..

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Through the eyes and guided by the wisdom of children, Who Am I? gives an enlightened voice to the tribal and religious fissures that are growing in Kenyan society, providing a voice of wisdom and compassion, all with the inherent child’s understanding of fairness..

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Who Am I? is a 48-minute documentary which explores humanity's eternal quest for the truth of who we really are. From Ramana Maharshi's direct method of self-enquiry to H.W.L Poonjaji's assertion that we are free here and now and the sharp and provocative teaching style of Nisargadatta Maharaj, this profoundly absorbing documentary is a rare visual treat for viewers. Interweaving precious archive footage, a deeply inspiring narrative and heartfelt interviews with devotees, this beautifully presented film features, amongst others, acclaimed author David Godman and S K Mullarpattan, respected translator to Nisargadatta Maharaj..

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

This film visualizes a child's delighted discovery of his five senses. Produced for the Children's Museum of Manhattan, "Who Am I?" empowers youngsters and stimulates learning..

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

A simple game of 'Who Am I?' between a mother and daughter whilst cleaning up a dead relative's house starts to reveal truths about the past..

Who Am I Now?

Who Am I Now?

New friends Erin and Alex discover a mutual attraction that neither of them have ever felt before. While Alex tries to navigate her feelings, Erin refuses to acknowledge that she might be gay and heads down a path of self-destruction. Faced with Erin's denial, Alex must decide whether to follow her own path, or fight for the first person she's ever loved..

Who Am I 2015

Who Am I 2015

Finding himself at a murder scene, bike courier Li Ziwei tries to escape, but the culprits force him off a bridge. The amnesia from his head injuries means he can't recognize the faces of his enemies, who have framed him for the crime. Now, carrying the parcel that's his only clue, and with the help of sassy hitchhiker Tong Xin, Li Ziwei must outrun killers and cops while racing to clear his name of the mysterious murder..

Doctor Who Am I

Doctor Who Am I

In 1996, a Doctor Who TV movie was envisioned to lead the franchise into an exciting new future with a fresh direction but was met only by an outcry from disapproving fans. Now, follow the film’s screenwriter, Matthew Jacobs, as he is pulled back into the world of the Doctor Who fandom, where he unexpectedly finds himself a kindred part of this close-knit, yet vast, family of fans..

Celle que vous croyez

Celle que vous croyez

Pour épier son amant Ludo, Claire Millaud, 50 ans, crée un faux profil sur les réseaux sociaux et devient Clara, une magnifique jeune femme de 24 ans. Alex, l’ami de Ludo, est immédiatement séduit. Claire, prisonnière de son avatar, tombe éperdument amoureuse de lui. Si tout se joue dans le virtuel, les sentiments sont bien réels. Une histoire vertigineuse où réalité et mensonge se confondent..

Who I Am Not

Who I Am Not

What makes a male, and what makes a female? Where do we draw the line, and does it really matter? Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, plunges into an identity crisis after finding out she is intersex. In her quest to deal with gender dysphoria, she needs the guidance of somebody just like her. The only person who will help is Dimakatso Sebidi, a masculine presenting intersex activist, who turns out to be her complete opposite. The two parallel but divergent stories offer an intimate look at the struggle of living in a male-female world, when you are both or neither. For the first time in a creative documentary, Who I Am Not gives a voice to the long ignored and mostly silent two percent of the world's population: the intersex community..

Who Am I This Time?

Who Am I This Time?

Harry is a shy hardware store employee. But whenever he takes a part in a local amateur theater production, he becomes the part completely--while on stage. Helene is new in town, a lonely itinerant telephone company employee. On a whim, she auditions for and gets the part of Stella to Harry's Stanley when the theater group performs A Streetcar Named Desire. Before anyone realizes the growing affection between Helene and Stanley, she falls deeply in love with the sexy brute, not knowing what the real man is like..