

Où voir Viral Netflix



Un terrible virus sévit aux USA, transformant les personnes en monstres vicieux. Prise au piège d’une ville en quarantaine, Emma et sa famille pensent être à l’abri du danger, mais il y a des zombies, mais cette fois, ils ont des vers !!.



AIDS is a bacterium that came from some African Chimpanzee and touch it you die in three months. No. AIDS is that it has to do with drugs and sex disease. You can not use drugs or have sex, but AIDS is born. No. You can not have sex and use drugs at the same time, but springs from AIDS. Nor do. No. Now go. AIDS is a very serious business that affects many people, passing somehow and you should take care to not get.

Viral Hit

Viral Hit

Le lycéen tout maigre et fragile Ho Bin Yoo est probablement le dernier gars qu'on s'attendrait à voir sur une chaîne Newtube qui tourne autour des combats. Mais après avoir suivi les conseils d'une mystérieuse chaîne Newtube, Ho Bin assomme des gars plus forts que lui et engrange plus d'argent qu'il n'aurait jamais pu rêver. Ho Bin pourra-t-il continuer comme ça ou finira-t-il par rencontrer son égal ?.



Written by Joe McClean, the story centers on a man named Andrew (Underwood) who falls into paranoia after his wife (Mason) goes missing, and finds the only way out of a years-long spiral in his new girlfriend Emilia (Silverman)..



A middle class mother suffers an opioid overdose while out with her child, and is faced with the reality of having it caught on video and becoming an online sensation..



Three screams in a mental system composed of barbed wire and napalm. A plastic tank encloses the geometry of a sex. Outside is a corrupt clue. Incisions are the incantation of melancholy. No way out. (Industrial drone improvised on improvised images, deficient results)..



Kika is a teenager in full sexual exploration whose nude photos are shared throughout her school without her consent. While she is being judged, Kika will find a way to own the situation, making it clear that she is free to do whatever she decides with her body..



Online activist, J1NX, was trying to uncover the facts before she went missing earlier this year... Now, her FaceTime history has been extracted and it's worse than you think. This footage documents the terrifying truth in south east London, a truth that was secretly and violently contained by the government. J1NX found herself at the centre of this particular storm. Now it's time for us to uncover the cover up! This brand-new horror from filmmaker and Original Online’s filming director, Tristan Shepherd is our first film shot entirely on location in south east London during the current lockdown, filmed entirely on iPhones..



Just as news of a virus started trending, young Gen-Zers were uploading bright, shiny plans for 2020 online. South African singer/dancer Cassandra announced she'd landed her dream gig onboard a cruise ship. American single-mom/stripper Jessica started a diary of her makeup brand. Tina was pulling out of Germany to vlog her solo cross-continent camper-van adventure. Born with smartphones in hand, this generation was already accustomed to sharing every emotion, thought and meal online, so filmmakers Udi Nir and Sagi Bornstein seized the moment, hit YouTube hard and created a fascinating trip back to the pre-COVID future. Seven people, from India to San Francisco, navigate the emotional spectrum of pandemic denial, shock and acceptance in real time. Plans and partners dramatically change, but so do their ideas about resilience and value in the modern world. Take an addictive look back at a not-so-distant past, when optimism was a given and the future was unmapped..



When her granddaughter goes missing, Jane (Jeff Award-winner Janet Ulrich Brooks) hires a small team to investigate. As more creators disappear, Shannon (Shannon Leigh Webber) and her friends desperately search for answers, confronting their own dark secrets along with an evil force..



The Erosions series develop the concepts of oxidation, wear and entropy from an audiovisual and cinematographic perspective..



Shiny and Bandu are avid fans of Hammad, an egg-seller from Karachi who has found a huge online following in their city of Mumbai but is virtually unknown in his own vicinity. They connect online and what follows is a heartfelt journey to a promising friendship that exists in the borderless realm of the online world..

V/H/S Viral

V/H/S Viral

Une poursuite policière à Los Angeles envoie un homme obsédé par la célébrité dans une course folle pour sauver sa petite amie d'une terreur cybernétique..



There have been a series of murders over the past months, and a young YouTuber named David believes he's found the killer living on his street. The suspected killer agrees to be interviewed by David, but then kidnaps David and proceeds to torture him. David manages to escape the clutches of the murderer, but to his horror, no one believes that the murderer is really his neighbor; or is even real at all..