

Où voir Truants Netflix

The Truants

The Truants

Two teenage boys break free from school to embark on a dangerous adventure, as they truant their way across the threatening industrial landscape which surrounds them..



The story follows the sporadic reunions of six friends during the seven year period of their integration into society. The reunions take place on their ancestral island, the setting of their common past. Every time they return "home" they carry with them the results of their personal choices. They also carry with them the effects of modern Greek society, a society the slowly but surely changes them, weathering their relationships, until they gradually lose contact with each other. The end of this epoch, will find them dispersed, confronting the dawn of an era where the pursuit of individual ambitions reigns..



In the country reformatory school both the teacher and the children are trapped by the circumstances. From among the pupils excels Sanyi, who cannot accept the fact that his mother does not love him and he keeps on escaping after her. From among the teachers it is Mr. Csőrös who distinguishes himself by listening to the children, looking for those who escaped, Sanyi feels affection to him..

Truant Heroes

Truant Heroes

Undercover cop, Kin, infiltrates a Hong Kong school to root out an underworld presence. Things get tricky when he falls for a charming teacher, adding a romantic twist to the fight against organized crime within the school's vibrant walls..

L'École buissonnière

L'École buissonnière

En 1920, à Salèze, un village de Haute-Provence. M. Pascal (Bernard Blier) arrive par un train. Jeune instituteur au premier poste parce que sa première classe au sortir de l'École Normale d'Instittuteurs en juillet 1914 fut la bataille de la Marne pendant la guere de 14-18. Pendant 4 ans, il n'eut d'autres élèves que les hommes qu'il commandait. Grièvement blessé en 1918, il erra pendant un an d'hôpital en hôpital. En clase, très vite, il se heurte au manque d'intérêt de ses élèves. Il décide de changer radicalement l'enseignement en romptant avec les méthodes employées par son prédécesseur des plus conservateurs. Il écoute les enfants, s'inspire de leurs découvertes, les emmène dans la nature. Les élèves vont découvrir le plaisir d'apprendre, et lui celui d'enseigner. Mais des parents et les notables du village ne voient pas cette petite révolution d'un bon œil….

Playing Truant

Playing Truant

High school student Margareta fall head over heels in love with a young doctor and announce her engagement to him to her parents. She quits school and move in with him in a large house. However, the life of a housewife soon becomes tedious. Her husband does not want her to study but secretly she enrolls in a high school again to be able to graduate. Her husband suspects funny business when she is spotted with her private tutor..

Tom le cancre

Tom le cancre

Des enfants de 5 ans s’égarent dans la forêt après que leur maîtresse se soit évanouie en mangeant un fruit sauvage. Ils rencontrent alors un enfant fugueur de 14 ans, Tom le cancre, qui vit dans un chêne centenaire et qui leur propose un marché : il les ramènera à leurs parents quand il leur aura désappris tout ce qu’ils ont appris à l’école. Une classe verte dirigée par un maître cancre ou comment ré-enchanter le monde par la fantaisie et l’impertinence..

The Brave Truant

The Brave Truant

On one very fine sunny day, a fourth-grader Thomas, as always, is out of the house in the morning to get to school by subway. But on this day he has a too good mood and that, along with the good weather, prevents him get to the lessons. He decides to skip his station, and take a walk through Berlin..