

Où voir This Is My Life Netflix

Because This Is My First Life

Because This Is My First Life

Nam Se Hee est un trentenaire qui a choisi d'être célibataire car pour lui, c'est la décision la plus logique et intelligente. Il a réussi à acheter sa propre maison, mais le remboursement de son prêt consomme tous ses revenus ne lui laissant plus grand-chose pour profiter de la vie. Yun Ji Ho a également la trentaine. Elle gagne juste assez d'argent pour s'en sortir et a abandonné l'idée de faire des rencontres amoureuses à cause de sa situation financière. Du fait de ses problèmes financiers, Ji Ho se retrouve à louer une chambre dans la maison de Se Hee. Ils doivent alors loger sous le même toit, ce malgré leurs différents modes de vie et leur absence de point commun..

This Is My Life

This Is My Life

Single mom Dottie Ingels sells cosmetics in a department store, but she dreams of being a comedian. When she inherits some money, she takes the chance and moves with her two children Erica and Opel to New York to perform in small bars. Soon her agent Arnold Moss makes her famous, but while she travels all over USA, her children stay home lonely..

This Is Not My Life

This Is Not My Life

This Is Not My Life is a 2010 New Zealand television mystery thriller which originally aired on Television New Zealand's TV ONE channel on Thursday nights. Set in the 2020s, the show centres on Alec Ross who awakes one morning to find that he doesn't know who or where he is and doesn't recognise his wife or children. The story is set in the fictional town of Waimoana. The series is written by Rachel Lang and Gavin Strawhan and directed by Robert Sarkies and Peter Salmon. Thirteen episodes have been produced. Though the show only lasted one season, it has been announced American network ABC has purchased the series to adapt for an American audience..

Love of My Life

Love of My Life

Love of My Life is a moving new drama that transcends romance and tackles issues like racial discrimination to tell an epic legend of forbidden love. Thus is born a classic story of power, betrayals, and revenge..

Uuno Turhapuro – This Is My Life

Uuno Turhapuro – This Is My Life

Uuno disguises as an old man and infiltrates a nursing home for rich old people, where his father-in-law also lives. The ever-hungry Uuno is seduced by the table groaning with food, but as it happens, he never manages to be there at dinnertime. Meanwhile Sörsselssön enters Uuno for a TV competition named This Is My Life, where contestants tell about their life as viewers vote them either to continue or out of the show. The nursing home elderly watch on TV as Uuno tells the show's host his life story..

This Guy Is the Biggest Mistake in My Life

This Guy Is the Biggest Mistake in My Life

Sato Yui is a dispatched contract worker at Amagi Pharmaceutical Company. Her pet has died and she feels deep sorrow over its death. One day, she drinks alone at a bar and shouts, with tears running down her face, "Develop medicine to bring back someone to life!" At that time, a man walks towards her. He makes a spiteful remark that there is no such medicine that can bring someone back to life. He also tells her to stop barking and to go home. Yui feels anger within herself and she trips him. She then leaves the bar. Yui is unaware that the man she tripped is Amagi Kyoichi and he is the CEO of Amagi Pharmaceutical Company. The next day, Yui hears at work that the CEO is looking for her. When she gets to his office, she realizes the man she tripped in the bar is the CEO. She thinks that she might get fired, but he suddenly tells her to "Please treat me as a slave.".



La série suit la vie quotidienne de diverses personnes dans la ville de Tokisadame, notamment l'énergique Yūko Aioi, la brillante et joyeuse Mio Naganohara, la calme et impassible Mai Minakami, l'androïde inquiète Nano Shinonome, sa jeune créatrice la professeure et Sakamoto, un chat doué de parole. Diverses bizarreries et absurdités abondent, comme une fille robotique faite par une scientifique de huit ans, un garçon qui monte une chèvre à l'école avec son majordome, une fille qui peut se procurer divers fusils, un chat qui peut parler et un directeur qui a déjà lutté contre un cerf. Malgré son ton décalé et des personnages spéciaux, les élèves mènent encore une vie normale..

My Wonderful Life

My Wonderful Life

The series, full of intrigue, love, tension and excitement, tells the shocking story of Şebnem, who came to life with great injustices, worked hard to overcome them, did what was necessary on this path, and is now trying to get rid of her criminal past that came and found her while she was living a wonderful life..

Again My Life

Again My Life

Kim Hee Wu est un jeune procureur qui, dans sa quête de justice, s'est créé un puissant ennemi : le député Jo Tae Seob. Son acharnement lui permet de découvrir une preuve compromettante, qui mettrait définitivement fin à la carrière du député. Malheureusement, Hee Wu se fait tuer par un tueur à gage de l'homme politique, avant de dévoiler ses preuves. Sur le point de mourir, il est sauvé par un ange de la mort qui lui propose un marché : vivre, à la seule condition qu'il mette tout en œuvre pour arrêter le député Tae Seob. Il accepte l'offre sans la moindre hésitation et se réveille des années plus tôt... au lycée..

Bravo, My Life

Bravo, My Life

Even though Seo Dong Hee comes from a poor family background, she has a bright and positive personality. She dreams of becoming a designer and slowly works her way to achieve her dream. She decides to become the mother of her nephew and raise him by herself. She also gets involved with Kang Cha Yeol. Kang Cha Yeol’s father runs a big company. His father wants him to work for his company, but Kang Cha Yeol doesn't want to. He wants to go back to the U.S., but he realizes he can't do anything without his father's financial support. His father tells Kang Cha Yeol to work for 1 year at his company..

J'irai te voir dans ma prochaine vie

J'irai te voir dans ma prochaine vie

Ban Ji Eum est une femme qui a la capacité surnaturelle de se souvenir de toutes ses vies passées et de répéter sa vie par la réincarnation depuis près de mille ans. Après que sa dix-huitième vie a été interrompue à cause d'un tragique accident, elle décide de renouer avec les gens de sa vie passée dans sa dix-neuvième. Elle va faire la rencontre de Moon Seo Ha qui est l'héritier d'une famille riche qui souffre d'un traumatisme après un accident de voiture..

This party is my life

This party is my life

Accompanying a dawn near Piteco, personality of the Recôncavo da Bahia, this film records from another angle the famous and awaited Festa da Nossa Senhora D'Ajuda, in Cachoeira. The intimacy of the conversation, the care of the makeup, the adjustments to the costumes… everything makes this film a precious and delicate portrait of a star. A quote by Piteco inspires the title of the short film, “this party is my life”, a phrase that reveals the ethical dimension of those who save themselves the whole year to surrender and brighten the D'Ajuda packages..

I Have Known You All My Life

I Have Known You All My Life

Pedro, unhappy in his marriage of convenience, falls in love with Vera during a business trip. After his father blackmails him into breaking Vera's heart, fate brings the two together again years later..

Trois et moi

Trois et moi

Béa, Liam, Raffi et Sandra sont quatre adolescents aux caractères bien différents qui évoluent dans une école alternative et qui tentent de s'entendre malgré leurs différences..

My Life as Inukai-san's Dog

My Life as Inukai-san's Dog

On dit que chaque chien a sa journée. C'est particulièrement vrai pour notre protagoniste, qui vient d'être transformé en chien et vit maintenant tous les jours sous la garde de son béguin, Inukai-san ! Elle raffole joyeusement de son nouveau compagnon, et bien qu'il veuille retrouver une forme humaine un jour, il y a quelque chose de merveilleux à être pris en charge par la personne qu'il aime..

The Secret Life of My Secretary

The Secret Life of My Secretary

En tant que directeur de l'équipe des médias mobiles 1 chez T & T, Do Min Ik doit être perfectionniste et excellent dans son travail. Il s'appuie toujours sur sa secrétaire, Jeong Gal Hee. Cette dernière effectue les taches les plus ingrates dans le but de renouveler son contrat qui arrive à terme. Cependant, comme toutes les secrétaires avant elle, son contrat d'un an n'est pas renouvelé et Jeong Gal Hee se retrouve sans emploi. C'est alors qu'un mystérieux homme attaque Do Min Ik devant elle. Do Min Ik, blessé à la tête, se retrouve alors incapable de reconnaître les visages qui l'entoure, tous sauf celui de son ancienne secrétaire Jeong Gal Hee....

My Wonderful Life

My Wonderful Life

This drama deals with the adversity overcoming of a new life as a young mother who has lived a hard life becomes a daughter of a chaebol. It is a story that happens when a young mother, who has lived in defiance with all her bad luck, becomes a chaebol daughter in the morning. It seems to be a drama that looks back on life and family..