

Où voir The Wind Birds Netflix

The Wind Birds

The Wind Birds

Rathi is pregnant and waits for her boyfriend, who is a soldier. In one of his visits on leave, Rathi tells him about her pregnancy. Soon after, she finds out that he is actually married, has no intent to take care of the child and simply tells her to perform an abortion..

Bird Saviour, Clouds and Wind

Bird Saviour, Clouds and Wind

An inquisitive and seemingly unremarkable young farmer boy named Vaska (Alexandr Markov), who totes a live bird in a wooden cage; and an enigmatic old man called The Bird Saviour (painter Robert Ovakimjan). Vaska, it seems, is journeying from his own village to another, where he plans to see a young woman with whom he has fallen deeply in love..

Good Wind, 'Blue Bird'!

Good Wind, 'Blue Bird'!

The beautiful "Blue Bird" schooner is sailing along the Adriatic sea coast. The passengers of the schooner are children of different nationalities, winners of the competition "For Peace and Mutual Understanding". During this wonderful sea voyage children find out that there are smugglers on board the ship....

My Hero Series: Heart of the Motherland

My Hero Series: Heart of the Motherland

Techat est un espion qui cache son identité. Awassaya est un créateur de bijoux qui tente de révéler ses vraies couleurs à cause d'un malentendu. Techat essaie d'éviter la fille ennuyeuse qui peut faire échouer toute l'opération, mais Awassaya ne le quitte pas. seule, surtout après avoir découvert qu'il est le gars avec qui les aînés essaient de la caser. Mais tout s'emmêle complètement quand il lui sauve toujours la vie et que l'amour grandit de manière inattendue..