

Où voir The Village of No Return Netflix

The Village of No Return

The Village of No Return

C'est une journée pas comme les autres dans le village isolé nommé Désir. Un mystérieux prêtre taoïste apporte avec lui un équipement magique qui a le pouvoir d'effacer la mémoire. Dès lors, les villageois oublient leur passé - mais une menace se dessine....

Doctor Siti Pertiwi Returns to the Village

Doctor Siti Pertiwi Returns to the Village

After her graduation as a doctor, Siti Pertiwi is sent to the Menggala area in Lampung. She has to deal with many problems, such as the corrupt paramedics who assist her and the villagers’ fear of the shaman – Atuk Raja – and his men. These problems have complicated her role as the local doctor. Then she receives help from a student who interns in the area. Unfortunately, the assistance invites gossip..