

Où voir The Stalker Netflix

The Stalker

The Stalker

The man only known as the Stalker, is looking for the Hamilton's, and is willing to kill anyone who gets in his way. Embark on this horror, mystery, thrill ride, that takes you back to the classic films of the genre..

Dossiers Brûlants

Dossiers Brûlants

Journaliste à Las Vegas puis à Seattle et enfin à Chicago, Carl Kolchak traque la nuit les phénomènes surnaturels et affronte des créatures monstrueuses (sorciers, robots, zombies, vampires, loup-garous, extraterrestres, fantômes, lézard géant, et même le véritable Jack l'éventreur)..

A Stalker in the House

A Stalker in the House

Jen is single and looking to find her match with online dating. She connects with Mike, who appears handsome and charming. But some things are too good to be true, and all is not what it seems. When he becomes aggressive Jen pushes away and tries to avoid him, however Mike has other ideas..

The Stalker

The Stalker

Lucio is constantly obsessed of losing his ex girlfriend Nadia and the house he is still paying the loan for, and above all he doesn't want to lose his 8 year old daughter. For this reason he start to stalk Nadia to convince her to give their relationship a fresh start. Unfortunately, Nadia is seeing someone else and has no intention of going back to Lucio. The day of the hearing for the child's custody, Nadia's lawyer does his utmost to deprive Lucio of any rights, and Lucio understands that there is only one way to take his daughter back..

The Stalker

The Stalker

One day a kid named jimmy took long walks in the park near his house, enjoying the fresh air and the sound of birds chirping. But on one such walk, he noticed that someone was following him. At first, he thought it was just his imagination, but as he turned around, he saw a man in a black hoodie following him at a distance..

The Stalker

The Stalker

Part of the short film series, Ghost Stories produced by Cut and Print Films. A young boy feels that he is being watched by an unseen presence in his home..

The Night Stalker

The Night Stalker

Carl Kolchak poursuit un alchimiste qui serait âgé de plus de 100 ans. Ce dernier trouverait la jeunesse éternelle en tuant des jeunes femmes et en se repaissant de leur sang....

Tu seras à moi

Tu seras à moi

Harvey, le mari de Grace, tente de la convaincre de se faire suivre. La psychiatre chez qui il l'a emmenée en consultation a diagnostiqué chez elle un trouble de la personnalité histrionique, une forme d'hystérie qui déclenche des sautes d'humeur brusques et des comportements extrêmes. La jeune femme refuse le diagnostic et, comprenant que son mari va la quitter, elle déclenche un accident qui le tue. C'est un nouveau départ pour elle : elle quitte l'Ohio et part pour Philadelphie, où elle a trouvé du travail comme transcriptrice dans un cabinet d'avocats. Elle emménage dans un quartier résidentiel et calme..

Le club du masque blanc

Le club du masque blanc

En 1987 une adolescente est tuée chez elle par un inconnu portant un masque blanc. 30 ans plus tard Mark, Ashley, Darren, Chloé, Sadie et Mark, cinq copains de lycée, reçoivent une invitation à rejoindre le Club du Masque Blanc. Ils seront tour à tour « harceleur » ou « victime » sans se faire démasquer... Celui qui saura démasquer le traqueur aura gagné la partie. Mais bientôt, Mark meurt, suivi de Sadie....