

Où voir The Scapegoat Netflix

The Scapegoat

The Scapegoat

Set in 1952, as England prepares for the coronation, The Scapegoat tells the story of two very different men who have one thing in common - a face..

The Scapegoat

The Scapegoat

Tom Jackson, a young man of good family, is elected sheriff. He is in love with Nell Turner, whose brother, Jack, is a reckless young fellow and belongs to a gang of bank robbers. Tom is popular and loves Nell dearly, while she returns his affections, and they have announced their engagement. Nell has a deep, sisterly love for her scapegrace brother Jack.

The Scapegoat

The Scapegoat

Harry Mason, a young New Yorker of good family, tries to borrow money from his brother, Tom. One afternoon Tom collects $5,000 for his father. As it is after banking hours, Mr. Mason puts the money in his house safe. He is overseen by Harry, who breaks into the safe and steals the money..

The Scapegoat

The Scapegoat

In this contemporary silent comedy, a college student's daily routine is interrupted when he accidentally runs into trouble with a quarreling couple...

Marie Antoinette: The Scapegoat Queen

Marie Antoinette: The Scapegoat Queen

From Austrian princess to ill-fated last queen of France, Marie Antoinette's life journey is captured in this meticulously researched documentary about the woman who is considered to have triggered the French Revolution for her lavish lifestyle. Vilified for extravagant tastes that epitomized the wanton excess of the French aristocracy, the young queen found herself caught in a political firestorm, doomed no matter what course she followed..

Au bonheur des ogres

Au bonheur des ogres

Dans la tribu Malaussène, il y a quelque chose de curieux, de louche, d’anormal même diraient certains. Mais à y regarder de près, c’est le bonheur qui règne dans cette famille joyeusement bordélique dont la mère sans cesse en cavale amoureuse a éparpillé les pères de ses enfants. Pour Benjamin Malaussène, bouc émissaire professionnel et frère aîné responsable de cette marmaille, la vie n’est jamais ennuyeuse. Mais quand les incidents surviennent partout où il passe, attirant les regards soupçonneux de la police et de ses collègues de travail, il devient rapidement vital pour le héros de trouver pourquoi, comment, et surtout qui pourrait bien lui en vouloir à ce point-là ?.

Le Petit Boulanger de Venise

Le Petit Boulanger de Venise

Venise, en 1507. Le comte Alvise Guoro, débauché notoire, vient d'être assassiné. Pietro, un jeune boulanger, découvre son cadavre et se voit accusé du meurtre. Il avait en effet menacé le comte, qu'il soupçonnait d'être l'amant de sa fiancée, Annella. Le comte Lorenzo Parma, membre du Conseil des Dix, accepte d'assurer la défense de Pietro. Assisté par sa maîtresse, la belle comtesse Sofia Zeno, il commence sa propre enquête. Il apparaît rapidement que la moitié au moins de l'aristocratie vénitienne avait de bonnes raisons d'en vouloir à Guoro. Pourtant, le procureur Garzoni s'obstine à réclamer la tête du jeune Pietro....

The  Scapegoat

The Scapegoat

A short film by Tathagata Ghosh that tells a firebrand woman’s remarkable journey in a rural Bengal village engulfed in dirty politics..



Adalbert "Mussu" Koikkalainen inherits 9,000 marks from his uncle. To buy a milk shop, Koikkalainen needs another thousand marks and work experience, so he applies for a job at the department store Sampo, where he is hired as a scapegoat to receive customer complaints. The saleswoman Irja Salo, who is under threat of dismissal, falls in love with the general manager Vaara, whom she thinks is a traveling salesman..



While a youth group led by Daniel causes the explosion of a truck loaded with materials to build a nuclear power plant, Laura accidentally kills his mistress, Judge. Both cases will cross..



Almanya’daki şöhretli, zengin, fakat mutsuz hayatını arkasında bırakıp sade ve normal bir hayata kavuşma arzusundaki Şahin K., Bodrum’da yaşamaya karar verir. Kötü şöhreti yüzünden kaybettiği oğlu Caner’e kavuşmak için çabalarken kasabanın sıkıntılarını da çözecek bir halk kahramanı haline gelir. Peşini bırakmayan şöhreti onu farklı maceralara sürükleyecektir..



Akashi, a solitary man with no family, does the dirty work for Hiramoto, a yakuza boss. His life changes when he meets Yo, a Chinese restaurant worker who has no place to live. As a fellow struggler, Akashi opens up and offers her his home but soon realizes that this decision will bring unforeseen consequences..