

Où voir The Redemption Netflix

Blacklist : Redemption

Blacklist : Redemption

Tom Keen rejoint Halcyon Aegis, une organisation de mercenaires dirigée par sa mère, Susan "Scottie" Hargrave. Son but : percer les zones d'ombres de son passé et découvrir ce qui est réellement arrivé à son père en infiltrant l'équipe d'Hargrave, qui s'est donnée pour objectif de racheter ses actions passées en venant en aide à ceux qui l'engagent pour mener à bien de périlleuses missions..

Les Évadés

Les Évadés

En 1947, Andy Dufresne, un jeune banquier, est condamné à la prison à vie pour le meurtre de sa femme et de son amant. Ayant beau clamer son innocence, il est emprisonné à Shawshank, le pénitencier le plus sévère de l'État du Maine. Il y fait la rencontre de Red, un noir désabusé, détenu depuis vingt ans. Commence alors une grande histoire d'amitié entre les deux hommes….

The Redemption

The Redemption

Ray, un ex-flic, commence une nouvelle vie en cherchant à rester hors des ennuis. Un soir, sous la surveillance de Ray, la boite de nuit pour laquelle il travaille est attaquée et le fils du propriétaire est tué....

Star Trek : The Next Generation - Redemption

Star Trek : The Next Generation - Redemption

Loyalties are divided when civil war splits the Klingon Empire. When Worf sees a chance to regain his wrongfully lost family honor, he must choose between his duty as a Starfleet officer and his heritage as a Klingon warrior. Meanwhile, Picard struggles to keep the Federation from being dragged into the fray. But a shocking new adversary from the past threatens to destroy both the Federation and the Klingon Empire..

The Redemption

The Redemption

A once devoted family man, who has fallen into the depths of alcoholism and homelessness after a tragic accident took the life of a daughter, longs for the day that he may somehow reunite with his only living daughter..

Johnny Cash - The Redemption of an American Icon

Johnny Cash - The Redemption of an American Icon

Ce documentaire émouvant, ancré dans la foi, raconte l'histoire de Johnny Cash à travers ses tragédies, son succès, sa dépendance... et sa révélation finale. Avec Tim McGraw, Sheryl Crow et d'autres. A bout de souffle, Johnny Cash est tombé dans une grotte et s'est allongé dans le noir. Mais la mort n'est pas venue le chercher, Dieu lui l'a fait. Ce film est l'histoire inédite de la façon dont "The Man in Black" a vu le jour..

Le Roi Scorpion 3 : L'Œil des dieux

Le Roi Scorpion 3 : L'Œil des dieux

Depuis son accession au pouvoir dans Le Roi Scorpion, Mathayus a vu son royaume renversé et sa reine emportée par la maladie. Il est aujourd'hui un assassin réputé, engagé pour une nouvelle mission : défendre un empire contre les attaques d'un tyran maléfique et de ses guerriers fantômes, afin de libérer la princesse Silda et reprendre le médaillon magique "L'Œil des Dieux" des mains du malfaisant Talus....

Kickboxer 5 : Le Dernier Combat

Kickboxer 5 : Le Dernier Combat

À l'issue de son combat victorieux en finale des championnats des États-Unis de kickboxing, Johnny reçoit la visite de représentants de la Negaal Fédération, une association indépendante qui entend recruter tous les meilleurs représentants de ce sport. Malgré les mises en garde de son ami Matt Reeves lui même ex-champion et aujourd'hui professeur de kickboxing, Johnny accepte le rendez-vous que lui fixent ses visiteurs. Comme Matt le pressentait, l'entrevue tourne au drame : Johnny, qui refuse de signer un contrat le liant définitivement à la Negaal Fédération, est abattu. Matt se jure de venger son ami..



Orhun is a successful businessman who was raised in a wealthy but loveless family along with his twin sister Nihan, younger sister Nurşah and their cold, distant mother Afife. Nihan left to do volunteer work as a doctor in Eritrea, but recently she has been impossible to contact, and her family is worried about her. While looking for his sister, he comes across Hira, a poor girl living the life of a prisoner at the hands of traffickers. When they find out that Nihan has been poisoned and killed by a local gang, Orhun breaks down. When it emerges that it was actually Hira who poisoned his sister, Orhun hatches an evil revenge plan. Meanwhile, Afife, their mother, has kept Orhun's father away since his childhood secretly. Orhun decides to marry Hira as revenge. Afife hates people of lower status and she’s obsessed with “pure blood”. Will this marriage imprison Afife , or will the couple find redemption after paying all their dues?.

The Redemption of Ricky Grey

The Redemption of Ricky Grey

Six months after the events of "The Revelations of Gavin Grey", Ricky finds himself dealing with the consequences of his brother's actions in ways he never imagined while his mothers have to make an unbearable decision..



L'histoire vraie de Stan "Tookie" Williams, chef du gang Crips de Los Angeles qui, arrêté et condamné à mort pour meurtres, devint un apôtre de la non-violence en prison. Le dangereux gangster sera même pressenti à plusieurs reprises pour le Prix Nobel de la Paix..

Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby

Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby

Written by Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight, with direction and choreography by Rambert’s artistic director Benoit Swan Pouffer. Opening in the trenches of Flanders, a personal story unfolds in postwar industrial Birmingham as the Shelby family navigate the decisions that determine their fate, and Tommy is intoxicated by mysterious newcomer Grace. While Tommy is building his empire, Grace is operating as an undercover agent for Special Branch on a mission to get close to the heart of Tommy’s gang. As the story unfolds, hearts are broken, and revenge is sought..

The Apostle Peter: Redemption

The Apostle Peter: Redemption

Tormented by his denial of Christ, Peter spent his life attempting to atone for his failures. Now as he faces certain death at the hand of Nero, will he falter again, his weakness betray him or will he rise up triumphant in his final moment?.

Peaky Blinders Ramberts The Redemption of Thomas Shelby

Peaky Blinders Ramberts The Redemption of Thomas Shelby

Rambert’s thrilling stage adaptation The Redemption of Thomas Shelby, written by Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight, with direction and choreography by Rambert’s artistic director Benoit Swan Pouffer. Opening in the trenches of Flanders, a personal story unfolds in postwar industrial Birmingham as the Shelby family navigate the decisions that determine their fate, and Tommy is intoxicated by mysterious newcomer Grace. While Tommy is building his empire, Grace is operating as an undercover agent for Special Branch on a mission to get close to the heart of Tommy’s gang. As the story unfolds, hearts are broken, and revenge is sought. A live onstage band accompanies the drama with specially commissioned music by Roman GianArthur and iconic Peaky tracks from Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Radiohead, Anna Calvi, The Last Shadow Puppets, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club..

Redemption: For Robbing the Dead

Redemption: For Robbing the Dead

For Robbing the Dead is a story of compassion - compassion toward those who may seem the least deserving of Christian love. It follows the story of Henry Heath, a law officer in 1862 Salt Lake City. Heath finds himself responsible for the well-being of a prisoner whom he despises - an impoverished French immigrant named Jean Baptiste who is convicted of robbing the graves of the recently deceased. Baptiste is exiled to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake. With no one willing to look after this man, Henry Heath becomes Baptiste's sole defense against the hostile isolation of Antelope Island and the contempt of an entire community. Through his somewhat reluctant service, Heath's heart softens and his own sorrows find relief..

The Mark: Redemption

The Mark: Redemption

Moments after parachuting from Flight 777, a former Marine and a flight attendant find themselves descending into a world of madness. Panic and chaos plague the streets, cities are on fire, and they're being hunted by a team of mercenaries..

Red Dead Redemption: The Man from Blackwater

Red Dead Redemption: The Man from Blackwater

The year is 1911. The West is dying. The American frontier is undergoing a violent transition from the ways of old to modern times, and Mexico has entered a prolonged period of bloody civil war. Reformed outlaw John Marston is on his way to capture former running buddy Bill Williamson when he comes upon a half dead snake oil merchant named West Dickens. Marston travels under a bleak and unforgiving sun, teaming up with a violent sheriff and a colorful mentally deranged grave robber and together they discover a bloody massacre of homesteaders left in the wake of Williamson. They hatch a plan to break into an abandoned fort where the Williamson Gang is holed up - and a dark, surprising twist ensues..

The Path to Redemption

The Path to Redemption

From pre-production to release, we are given an exclusive look into the making of Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven (2005). Interviews with the cast and crew members take up the bulk of this film, but are accompanied by plenty of on-set footage. We are also given a glimpse at a lot of the deleted material, much of which will be in the director's cut..