

Où voir The People Netflix

The Tomorrow People

The Tomorrow People

Un groupe de jeunes gens appelés les "Tomorrow People" représentent la prochaine étape dans l'évolution de l'humanité : ils possèdent des pouvoirs, comme celui de communiquer entre eux par télépathie, de lire dans les pensées ou de se téléporter. Lorsque Stephen Jameson, un ado perturbé en pleine mutation, est recueilli par Cara et John, deux des siens qui maîtrisent déjà leurs capacités extraordinaires, il découvre l'histoire complexe de sa famille et son importance au sein de la guerre secrète qui oppose les "Tomorrow People" aux "ULTRA", un groupe qui veut les capturer pour le bien de l'humanité....

The People's Court

The People's Court

The People's Court is an American arbitration-based reality court show currently presided over by retired Florida State Circuit Court Judge Marilyn Milian. Milian, the show's longest-reigning arbiter, handles small claims disputes in a simulated courtroom set. The People's Court is the first court show to use binding arbitration, introducing the format into the genre in 1981. The system has been duplicated by most of the show's successors in the judicial genre. Moreover, The People's Court is the first popular, long-running reality in the judicial genre. It was preceded only by a few short-lived realities in the genre; these short-lived predecessors were only loosely related to judicial proceedings, except for one: Parole took footage from real-life courtrooms holding legal proceedings. Prior to The People's Court, the vast majority of TV courtroom shows used actors, and recreated or fictional cases. Among examples of these types of court shows include Famous Jury Trials and Your Witness. The People's Court has had two contrasting lives. The show's first life was presided over solely by former Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Joseph Wapner. His tenure lasted from the show's debut on September 14, 1981, until May 21, 1993, when the show was cancelled due to low ratings. This left the show with a total of 2,484 ½-hour episodes and 12 seasons. The show was taped in Los Angeles during its first life. After being cancelled, reruns aired until September 9, 1994..

For The People

For The People

Les parcours croisés de jeunes avocats ambitieux qui font leurs débuts au tribunal des quartiers sud de New York, la plus vieille et la plus prestigieuse Cour des Etats-Unis....

We the People

We the People

Apprenez les principes du droit et de la citoyenneté aux États-Unis en musique avec Janelle Monáe, H.E.R., Adam Lambert, Brandi Carlile et d'autres artistes célèbres..

The New People

The New People

The New People is a short-lived 1969 American television series on ABC that focused on a group of young college students who were returning from a trip in Southeast Asia when their plane crashed on an island in the south Pacific Ocean. The crash killed several of the college students, and all but one of the adults, who was badly injured and later died. The surviving students were the only human life remaining on the island. The island was unusual in that it had been built up as a site for a potential above-ground nuclear test which never took place, leaving all of the buildings and supplies untouched and ready for use by the survivors..

The Tomorrow People

The Tomorrow People

A group of young people discover they have special powers linking them to each other, aided by a mysterious wrecked spacecraft found on a Pacific island. Danger awaits them at every turn when unscrupulous people are intent on using their superior abilities for their own advantage..

The bird people in China

The bird people in China

Obligé de remplacer son collègue malade au pied levé, un jeune Japonais est envoyé par son entreprise en Chine, afin de mettre à jour un filon de pierres précieuses. Le voyage ne s'annonçait pas des plus agréables et la réalité va, de loin, dépasser tout ce que Wada avait pu imaginer. En effet, dès son arrivée en Chine il va réaliser qu'on ne lui a pas tout dit : sa société doit de l'argent à des yakuzas... et ceux-ci ont entendu parler des pierres. Ils ont donc envoyé un des leurs, Ujiie, afin d'épurer définitivement la dette : colérique, imbu de sa personne, ce dernier ne manquera jamais une occasion pour rendre le périple du jeune salary-man encore plus désagréable qu'il ne l'était à la base. Guidés par un vieil homme qui parle aussi mal japonais qu'il le comprend, les deux hommes vont aller de surprises en surprises, passant de forêts sauvages à des montagnes millénaires, au gré de tempêtes et de crues dévastatrices..

The People

The People

A young woman is assigned to teach school in a secluded valley whose inhabitants appear stern, secretive and anti-pleasure. Following two children who disappear to play in the woods, she finds that this is actually a community of extraterrestrials with mild paranormal powers who are attempting to repress and deny their heritage for fear of arousing prejudice and hatred in their human neighbors. Based on a series of novels by the late Zenna Henderson..

The People's Choice

The People's Choice

The People's Choice is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from 1955 to 1958, primarily sponsored by The Borden Company. It stars Jackie Cooper as Socrates "Sock" Miller, an ex-Marine and a young politician in fictitious New City, California. Sock has a basset hound named "Cleo", whose thoughts, as she balefully observes Sock's dilemmas, are recorded on the soundtrack for the viewers' amusement. Cleo's real name was Bernadette. Much of Cleo's dialog consists of wisecracks. The popularity of the basset hound breed increased markedly with the run of the show. During the last season of The People's Choice, Croft began her eight-year role as Clara Randolph on ABC's The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. The versatile Croft had also been a semi-regular on Our Miss Brooks and I Love Lucy and a regular on The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy..

The Corridor People

The Corridor People

The Corridor People is a British television series produced by Granada Television for the ITV network in 1966, devised and written by Edward Boyd. A surreal black-and-white detective series, The Corridor People pitched security agent Kronk against exotic villainess Syrie Van Epp over the course of four episodes..

The Slime People

The Slime People

Los Angeles a été attaquée par des créatures surgies des entrailles de la Terre. Dans la ville dévastée et quasi déserte, un petit groupe de personnes essaye désespérement de survivre....

Servant Of The People 2

Servant Of The People 2

Le président Vasily Goloborodko est au pouvoir depuis près de six mois. La situation économique du pays s'est détériorée : les prix augmentent et la monnaie nationale s'est dépréciée. La confiance de la population envers le Président diminue rapidement. Pour stabiliser la situation dans le pays, M. Goloborodko doit obtenir une aide financière du FMI d'un montant de 15 milliards d'euros, qui peut être fournie si des réformes et des lois anti-corruption sont introduites en Ukraine..

The Letter People

The Letter People

The Letter People is the name of a children's literacy program and the television series based on that program. The term also refers to the various characters depicted in the program and television show..