

Où voir The Heart of the Earth Netflix

Earth Prayers Two: Seasons of the Heart

Earth Prayers Two: Seasons of the Heart

Blending music, poetry and mellow images, this soothing video offers a great way to ease the stress of everyday living and enter a world of serenity. Actor Michael York narrates three 35-minute segments featuring tranquil sights and sounds. William Shakespeare, Robert Frost, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mother Theresa and others provide the verse while Secret Garden, Michael Hoppé, Ron Clearfield and Patrick Ki supply the music..



Historically, several borders have been imposed on Guarani territory, causing serious changes. Encounters, displacements, new and old borders permeate the stories of this film, capable of taking us to the sacred territory Yvy Pyte, from where the world emerged for the Guarani—the Heart of the Earth..

People from the Heart of the Earth

People from the Heart of the Earth

The collective Guahu’i Guyra spent three years filming their people, the Guarani-Kaiowá, original inhabitants of a piece of land in Brazil. Much of of their ancestral lands have been destroyed by monoculture and deforestation. In the small territory they managed to retake, a few families try to live according to their traditional way of life, devoting a lot of attention to each other and their environment..

La Terre vue du cœur

La Terre vue du cœur

La sixième extinction est en marche. Hubert Reeves nous partage sa vision et expose l’état de la biodiversité. Avec lui, des hommes et des femmes engagés ; scientifiques, philosophes, auteurs et artistes nous rappellent à quel point le vivant sous toute ses formes demeure un fascinant et touchant mystère alors même qu’il disparait sous nos yeux. Ils nous aident à comprendre pourquoi nous en sommes là et surtout, nous accompagnent vers des solutions diversifiées, ingénieuses et inspirantes. Parce qu’au final, l’avenir nous appartient..