

Où voir The City of Dream

Dream of the Empty City

Dream of the Empty City

An old man in hospice care tells his life story from beginning to end, of Peking Opera and singer Ma Lianliang, and of the humiliation and desperation of old age. Soon, the border between dreams and memories, reality and mental confusion become indistinct; the old man is slipping away, falling into the depths of his soul. Is it the shadow of death that disturbs his rest? Who is he? What kind of life did he lead?.

City of the Dream Demons

City of the Dream Demons

Tommy has been suffering from bad dreams as far back as he can remember. He could never sleep more than eight hours without waking up screaming. Now, on his sixteenth birthday, he's ready to party, that is if 3 demons don't stop them first. Will Tommy and his punker friends survive the birthday bash? Or will they become more cattle for the world's largest human slaughterhouse, the City of the Dream Demons?.

Dream City

Dream City

A married couple of artists move to a utopian town known for its absolute freedom, but behind the surface perversion and violence are spreading..

La Ville de mes rêves

La Ville de mes rêves

Un travailleur pauvre de la campagne se rend à Stockholm, en pleine expansion, et y entame une nouvelle vie semée d'embûches. D'après le livre de Per Anders Fogelström..

City Dream

City Dream

The struggles of Wang Tiancheng, an elderly and cantakerous street vendor in Wuhan, China, whose business is threatened by the development of a new retail district..

La ville d'un rêve

La ville d'un rêve

Peu de gens savent qu'avant sa fondation et la venue de ses premiers habitants en 1642, Montréal fut un projet de société rêvé, imaginé et conçu par une poignée de personnes qui faisaient partie d'une société secrète. Qui était à l'origine de ce projet à la fois audacieux, périlleux et mystérieux ? Quelles étaient leurs motivations ? Leur rêve ? Les clés pour comprendre cette histoire se trouvent dans un manuscrit du XVIIe siècle qui, de toute évidence, serait l'autobiographie cachée de Jeanne Mance..

City of Dreams

City of Dreams

By the end of the 30s, the ideal world erected on the screen is declared the only true reality. The invasion of fascist Germany destroys this illusion. A person is left alone with history — both in life and on the screen. And in this fight he manages to survive..

Les Rêves de la ville

Les Rêves de la ville

Après la mort de son père, Dib, sa mère et son frère quittent Kuneitra pour rejoindre Damas. Dans une période historique troublée, Dib devra affronter le mariage forcé de sa mère et la mort de son frère..

Vienna, City of My Dreams

Vienna, City of My Dreams

In the made-up country of Alanien, King Alexander I has been overthrown while abroad. Now, he's in Vienna with his daughter, the city of his fondest memories since studying there as a boy. It doesn't take long for the charm of Vienna to work its magic on the former king: he quickly comes to terms with the new situation and is able to enjoy the Austrian capital sans all the ceremony and trappings which would otherwise accompany him on a state visit. The princess is content with preparing herself for a career as a pianist concert, while the former king takes a job as a chauffeur in the embassy of the country he once ruled. The revolutionaries are shocked; and his days in Vienna are numbered..

The City Was Asleep and It Had a Dream

The City Was Asleep and It Had a Dream

The end of the Soviet Union has made its mark, not only on Georgia’s politics, society, and economy, but also on Tbilisi’s urban architecture. Regimented blocks have acquired slipshod DIY extensions; buildings arise with no overall plan; and construction projects that were abandoned halfway have left functionless gaps. Mistakes are made and not always corrected. Urban sprawl is thus changing the appearance of the city..